Unable to throw an orb

Game mode: Single-player
Type of issue: Bug |
Server type: PvP
Region: [ Please enter your server region ]
Mods?: [ Are mods installed: Yes ]
Edition: Steam

Bug Description:

I tried to throw a grease orb at a meteorite and the orb will not leave my hand. I also tried a demon-fire orb with the same results.
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A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

Installed Mods:

If you answered ‘Yes’ to using mods, please list all your active mods. Otherwise, skip or delete this section.

Steps to Reproduce:

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. Please be as detailed as possible; the more details, the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. Step 1 - place orbs in hotbar
  2. Step 2 - put orb in hand
  3. Step 3 - either left or right click mouse button
  4. Etc.
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Do you have a thrall in your inventory?

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No, I do not have a thrall in my inventory at this time. Before the last 2 updates, I did have taskmaster in my inventory and did not have this problem.

Even with the 2 updates over the weelend, I still can’t throw an orb. I am seriously considering blocking all updates because every one seemingly causes more problems than they fix.

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Someone on our no-mod server also was unable to throw any orbs. We were flummoxed.
First we tried logging out and back in again.
Then we tried removing bracelet. (death + respawn)
I don’t believe those steps were productive.

The server restarts twice daily, but I’m not sure if this individual lost interest in playing already. Haven’t seen them back in a long while.

Had this too. Once on Singleplayer offline. Though it happens because of admin mode. But few weeks ago I had this also on official pvec at the black hand ship.
Next time I played it was ok again (not at the same day so after server restart)

I play on ps4, so no mods. Seems that this happens in the base game. I am not sure about the single player but at the official i had thralls in my inventory. And also my inventory was full and of course I was overloaded. i will try these constellations next time. Would be good to know why this happens

I do not know if I can throw an orb or not since the last update because I get a “Fatal Error” message when I try to login even after I removed all of my mods.

I had the same fatal error problem until I started a new game. Just disabling the mods I was using wasn’t enough.

I had to restart after the Siptah update and don’t really want to do it again, tbh. I have too much invested again.

Hello, have you already tried this without mods? If not, could you try and see if the issue still persists? Thanks in advance.

Yes I have removed the mods, did the uninstall/reinstall, and can’t login because I got the “fatal error” message.

I can’t throw orbs, And i’m just running a vanilla Game

Strange, what do you have in your inventory? Any thralls? I have not had any issues yet as long as I dont have thralls.

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