Undead peat AI bug UE official PVE-C / PVP server

Game mode: [SELECT ONE] Online official | Online private | Single-player | Co-op
Type of issue: [SELECT ONE] Crash | Bug | Performance | Other
Server type: [SELECT ONE] PvP | PvE-Conflict | PvE
Region: [ Please enter your server region ]
Mods?: [ Are mods installed: Yes | No ]
Edition: [ Select one: Steam | Microsoft Store | Game Pass | Epic Games Store ]

Bug Description:

A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

Undead peats - when behaviour seat to peaceful not responding to Attack command , and changing behaviour back to attack all / defend me not apply / update till next server restart.

Installed Mods:

If you answered ‘Yes’ to using mods, please list all your active mods. Otherwise, skip or delete this section.

NO , Official EU servers

Steps to Reproduce:

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. Please be as detailed as possible; the more details, the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

1. Step 1 When using Undead pets and want to capture some thralls - change behaviour of peat to peaceful.
2. Step 2 When commanding undead peat to attack its due nothing , changing behaviour to attack all / or any other defend me - dos nothing ( changes apply after server restart )

That effect undead peats experienced it on official EU servers PVP and PVE-C , normal humanoid thralls are not effected. And before changing behaviour of undead pets to peaceful - they attack normally and responded to attack / recall command …


Thank you for your report. Can you please tell us if this happens to all undead followers or any specific?

We await your reply.

So far effected all one i’m had Undead hyena , Undead Cappa & Undead Monstrosity … had more that one of each and all experienced same problem

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Thank you for the additional information. We forwarded it to our team for investigation.

Have a great day! :slight_smile:

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