(Updated 30 October) Age of Heroes Known Issues

Allways great to hear from You. Thanks so much, best wishes.

@AndyB Any news on the Xbox patch?


Please make it separated from tavern patrons, things seens to be messed between thrall and tavern patrons if we set a seating to not be used by thralls tavern patrons will not sit it too. For example if a player dont want thralls to go into tavern (because they spent most of the day doing everything but not working) and lock the door to thralls patrons will not enter too. In my humble opinion the wandaring system cold be optional if we set a worker thrall free on the world he wanders and do whatever he likes, if we set it fixed in a chair, door, or crafting station it stays doing things there till second order. As the system is today they leave the work 2 seconds after being set and if it not get lost, stuck, sunk on ground, dead, maybe he visits the station we tryied to set it.The stations pass a lot of time empty now.

I can’t remember if this message is pre- or post that last Hotfix? No matter.

I am looking forward to some solution to the long cluster-queues at some base doors like some mad dash half-time dash at .
Players from the UK will feel compelled to just join the queue out of sheer politeness. :slight_smile:

Please Andy B turn Living Settlements off again, players keep losing thralls, my clan lost 11 since the ‘repair’. I can provide screenshots to prove my statement.

It will be a great addition when it works as it should, but now is not the time to let it run this way.

Over a month later