VoidRealm 12/15 [10XP/7XH][NO OFFLINE RAID][48HR Raid Prot]

Great server Admins and fun community. The rule set is great it promotes a fun online pvp and raid experience. Come join us!

I only just got into Conan Exiles in the last week.

Tried a few servers but they weren’t too fun.

I joined the above server (VoidRealm 12/1 [10XP/7XH][NO OFFLINE RAID][48HR Raid Prot]) and it’s been fun.
Admins are attentive and fair. The world chat is fun and people are always on.
Having a great time as a newbie and thoroughly enjoying it.

Highly recommended.


Great server no lag, No offline raiding!, active admins!!++++ :heart: