Weapons with bonuses post 3.0

yes for an unknow reason they reduced diversity of weapons and armor, and make all more commun, with same attribute, with 3-4 different attributes, were before there was dozens and dozens, which was making the game rich in diversity (and it had took so much time to make them add this diversity, but now we going back in the past, with nearly generic item)

i have no idea why, only i can see that with 3.0 all have been made to make things more easy, less complex, with less choice, like if they were aiming for a kid target, but conan is not a kid product.

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Enemies have their armor buffed, because for a looong time, the max. armor was ridiculously low, so AP did not matter. Now they buffed it, most notably on elephants and rhinos, but the rhinos’ HP is so low now, 3-4 stack of poison kills them. Against humans I do not see much of a difference, I still prefer higher damage weapons and/or with status effects.

It is definately not :laughing: ! I don’t think it is/was too complex, of course there are things that you have no clue what to do, but the game does not have to be the “throw everything into your face, I will hold your hands”. But I noticed the slow simplifying process too.

Wow, nice spreadsheet!
It clearly shows that the armor for rhino/elephant type enemies was swapped(?) with their health, but still no fix. I don’t think the swap was intentional.

I think it was, and I don’t think “swapped” but individually tweaked… idk at least to me it makes sense to have those heavily armored :stuck_out_tongue: If it was swapped then Thunderfoot there wouldn’t still have 24.9k health (NPC_Alphaelephant)

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Ahh, Thunderfoot…it killed some of my favorite pets!
By the way, what the hell is the NPC_EventBoss?
It has quite some health.
Okay, tomorrow I will spend some time spawning in stuff, like this one, and… a rat??

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