What happens to the thrall

I am playing the test live update 2.3. I see that my thrall attacking is not normal. Please check the video below.

As you can see in the video, my Dalinsia Snow hunter just does the first attack, she does not do the second or third or fourth attack. What is happening to her? Does anyone get the same situation?

Thrall attacking - Test Live

Not the test live server

Dalinsia prefers one handed weapons. Try a 1h sword or mace.

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Thank you. I have just re-updated the post.
In the second video, Dalinsia attacks perfectly.

Yup, its new. All the thralls have preferred weapons as of 2.3 They’ll perform combos with those weapons but not others.

:kissing_heart: Thank you so much for the information. I have used the mace for the Dalinsia, It works perfectly :smiley:

Thanks for your help.

damn it! thralls will be like that again :sob:

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they usually spawn in with it equiped in their hand ( when you place them down as thralls )

well , or you test it out ( on single player spawning the ones you have put down already , or on your regular session , take a few weapons , go to a easy spot , and see how your thrall works with this or that weapon … ) , or you wait for a tutorial from somebody else , your choice :wink:

well if you look up the posts that’s marked as a solution , it is saying 2 handed vs 1 handed , not a specific type of weapon though :wink:

I bet it wasn’t done in purpose exactly but was introduce with the sprint attacks being added to the pool of possible attacks ?!

Well maybe they don’t see it as an issue ? but your are right they should mentioned it somewhere !

on the setting about destruction … well you are 100% right , they spoke about it , but not with enough care I think … people think this will only apply to siptah servers … I can assure you they will activate it also on exiles … and since people might have bases ( from before some changes like warmaker dungeon and the hole area in front of it ( between the obelisk and the entrance of dungeon ) that was constructible , then became a non build area ) but since the feature of destroying base wasn’t there people that had “non-blocking” base built here could have kept it untill now … but it will be destroyed now once the setting is added and switched to true …

in the stream they said it would be activated on officials ( they were speaking about the camps they are adding on siptah , and said that the reason for the event 2x harvest was because this setting will be activated , since "they don’t want people base blocking content or have npcs spawing in their base :slight_smile: " )

but the thing is as they were speking of siptah … they failed to mention that ( what I think ) they will also activate this setting on Exiles Land servers too

oh my bad I get it now , yeah I wouldn’t want to take the risk either ! hope we can get an answer to that question ! i just redid 2 of my bases on siptah due to their proximity with npc camps , they weren’t very close to it , but since it’s a radius around them I wanted to be sure nothing was in potential range , but if because of a remaining (invisible underground) fundation that was left behind my hole base disapear , it could be pretty annoying

Yeah, I would really like an official response on the thrall combo issue. Intended or not. Someone try a bearer and see if you can get anything to combo. No weapon I used with my bearers would combo at all. They came out of the wheel with a 1h axe, but just do a single swing with it. So I think this is actually not intended and a bug they introduced.

If it was intended, then they ABSOLUTELY need to have an icon in the thrall inventory weapon slot to indicate the preferred weapon. When you remove all damage weapons and swap to cudgels for purges then have to swap them all back to preferred weapons for the storm siege, we are going to have to keep spreadsheets of data, just to know which weapon goes where.

This can’t be intended behavior. It would be a monumental judgement error by Funcom. It is a bug.


I agree with you that it is a bug, not an intended feature.

When capturing the thrall, your thrall is using the truncheon, and the truncheon is not the preferred weapon. They will look so bad with only the first attack of the combo. It will make everything become more difficult.

If your thrall hit points is not too high, you do not have a good armor, your thrall maybe dead.

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