What the heck is going on here

I’m on Official server #1747 and all of a sudden people are loosing thralls left and right to trash mobs. people with named fighters and zerkers are loosing them to low tier mobs. i lost 2 lvl 20 Delinsias today to a couple of tier 3 fighters that also killed me instantly. And i dont know if its supposed to be this way but the server settings show that thrall dmg to npc’s is set to 0.5 when most of the other setting are 1.0. So unless im misreading that then that tells me that our thralls are set to do half the damage that they are supposed to. If Funcom is messing with the stats of thralls in preparation for chapter 3 then STOP. At this rate no one will have any way to fight the purge npcs since they will have lost all there fighters to everything around them.

Sounds like you found superior thralls to what you were using.

0.5 is the default damage modifier for thrall damage afaik.

No @Taemien he is speaking about volcano npcs, he is not joking neither create hyperbolic situations. Without authority points in volcano, a simple lag can be very punishing. It’s exactly what i am trying to explain why some thralls shouldn’t be nerfed and authority does not work in purges. So people should not make conclusions about thralls dmg and endurance with authority points but without any.
@draklamar, npcs are really strong now, mount of dead, volcano and new asgard needs strategy and attention. There are many safe builds to travel with your thralls and be effective. Wine cellar is tricky, you may loose thralls from Thag and for gods sake don’t take thralls to Arena champion, you may not have time to retreat. She will crush them like insects. And rockslide, this is a fight you can do alone and easy, no thralls.
But the game is still very pleasant, yet you need to change your old style a bit.
If you need help for builds, let me know, i’ll do my best.


Right. My Authority is full, and those volcano mobs can slap-kill me while teaching a good lesson to my thralls lol. I tread very carefully when I go there now, even with two lvl 20 followers. The ones with the hammers are the most painful to deal with.

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The 0.5 multiplier is on purpose and it’s not new, @draklamar .You probably just noticed now.

I’m not defending the changes to thralls that FUNCOM has been making. I knew people were going to lose thralls like mad because of the poor performance of the game. Things might look good on paper, when they are tested on top tier hardware, or in controled tests or when the game runs smoothly, but when running on poor servers or machines that can’t run the game properly (all consoles or lower end pcs) everything can turn to shit really fast.

There was a margin of tolerance against these things when thralls had more hp and dmg dealt by npcs was lower. The stun mechanics are also asinine, all factors considered. That margin has been shaved again and again. It doesn’t surprise me at all that my predictions came true. When all goes well, thralls are OKish. When they don’t, which is half of the time on this game, it happens exactly what was to be expected.
Most of what I read in the forum are excuses, rationalizations and attempts to save face, as a lot was written when the nerfdom of thralls started. But when all is said and done, the result is what the OP described, repeated ad nauseum.

Stats of npcs in the wild don’t always match the stats those npcs get when they become thralls, afaik.

You didn’t find your next better thralls. You were unluckily. Those same thralls could have won under different circumstances. If luck already played a part in the outcome of this sort of fights, now it’s a determining factor. The safety margins for screw ups were shaved in a game that can’t handle it most of the time.

Hint: but hey, at least you’ll need to spend more time playing to replace lost thralls. And no, it’s not a coincidence. :wink:

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Got to remember the half rule, when you or your thralls are half health, RUN AWAY
half rule goes for air also, if your underwater and half air better start looking for more


You can’t run away from a purge and good luck having your thrall retreating mid fight if the game acts up or it gets stunlocked…

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Damage has been complete trash since AoW. Players take too much damage, thralls take too much damage, enemies take too much damage. Everything dies too fast.

You guys are still using thralls? :rofl:

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And you aren’t, @GodlyVoice ? One of the main features that completely sets this game apart in the genre and you somehow feel it’s ok to just ignore it?

Survival games with everything else but the lore AND thralls are plenty. None has thralls and the lore in this game is not impressive in terms of how it influences gameplay. Most players don’t give a rat’s ass about it. On pvp, I can understand it, but on pve, there’s only so much times you can repeat the same stuff without getting bored to death. You either build bases with the life thralls bring to them or you simply repeat the same old stuff in a compulsive manner.

You can always say you use pets, zombies or golems. I would tell you I am not 12.

If you’re trying to face-tank enemies, you’re going to get thumped, full stop. Never allow them to get combo finishers off on you; even low-level exiles with 2H hammers can be a bad time if there’s more than one and/or you allow them to corner you.

This is one reason that agility builds have become so popular these days compared to the strength builds that grandpa used to use.

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with the laggy servers (officials) using thralls become a pain, at high lag periods thralls get stuck and dont obey any command, then they get mown by any group of mobs or any boss, you need to command it the entire fight to hit, run and heal, but with lag its impossible, and if you die they will die way faster because they lose the authority bonus. They gone from David Dun to Mr. Glass.

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Not sure what purges your doing but i expect to lose at a few thralls for a level 10 purge.

I go into the volcano but im in a tight formation and make sure my squad doesnt get surrounded.

Thag and Arena Champion are toss ups - i expect to lose at least one if not both. Depends if you want to pay that price.

Still working on a solo strat for purges but havent found one yet. Seems like people will need to cooperate for purges for rewards

Dont get hit. A simple strat and hard to do as some mobs have a wide range but working that strat also.

There’s no reason beyond the challenge itself to do a lvl 10 purge. The rewards are very underwhelming.

IMO, a lvl 10 purge should be a base killer. A real jump in difficulty from lvl 9. The ultimate purge.
To survive, you would have to min max every aspect of combat, regarding your build, the thralls perks/gear AND also your building strategy. It should test your knowledge in the hardest way possible. You could lose everything, even being a veteran player. But if you won, the reward should be so awesome everyone would want it. Unfortunately, that’s not the case…

if you loose thralls there, you are bringing not so good thralls, and/or your build is not really good. those are easy encounters for the right fully leveled thralls or/and a good build. good cimmerian berserker/dalinsias, can sport 4.500 to 5.xk hp. a couple of those with good heavy armor will melt both bosses quickly . purge thralls such as cormag or sonja con go all the way to 7k hp, with good perks.

you missing the main component , competent AI, so having that kind of purge as you describe as what a level 10 purge should look like. is not going to happen, level X will just spawn more meat for the meatgrinder,. :slight_smile:

We can dream. Unfortunately @Hansel I know it’s just that.

UE4 A.I. is just not going to happen now the UE5 has the foothold. Without patching, I doubt it can be trained in a fully custom manner. UE5 seems to have those details. Yes, it works and it is limited until there is a backport.

Main problem with the current UE4 A.I. is it getting stuck on objects. Can’t teleport them automatically. You have to manually go back there and rescue them.