Why does it take funcom so long to fix stuff?

I would like to say that I think 3.0 have worse performance on privates that previous patch. And even if you get 140-200 ping it feels like twice as much.

I’ve been here not hoping on now. Look at all the threads since 3.0 about sever issues
 it’s not a surprise so just because I enjoy playing the game with my friends and finding it very difficult to play at the moment doesn’t mean I’m trying to change your mind on anything. This thread is for FC just like the rest of them. So yes the lag and crashing is a gigantic issue within the game currently.


Is the lag ever an issue. Doesn’t seem to matter which server I choose, populated, low pop, a lot of structures, next to none, big builds, little builds.

It’s all the same.

Everyone I know is complaining about it, here of course, other social media

So ya, it can definitely have an effect on players choosing to continue.


I would concur with you - its something that they need to resolve.

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Bold of you to asume they will fix something

look at combat animations and sync? They call themselves triple A action game

No doubt it was running really well but this update shouldn’t have ruined all of it now it’s like they starting from scratch

I had to get up at 5am just to be able to do the Sorcery cave with 4 people on the server. Ever since the update it has become impossible to leave my base’s outer walls

Funny thought, that, “starting from scratch”. I wonder if people remember all this stuff about how “the game is dead, look at the numbers” that keeps popping up on the forums. Well, maybe we should look at the numbers now:

So what we have is a peak of 49k players around the release date, back in 2018, and we’re now surpassing all the subsequent peaks and are currently at 41k players.

In other words, the current population is comparable to the release date population for the first time since, well, since the release. “Starting from scratch”, indeed.

To make my point clear: GPortal servers are a steaming pile of shit that can’t handle the load, but the game can run just fine on private servers with good hardware. It sucks that they’re sticking with GPortal, yes. But anyone who thinks they can optimize the game better is free to offer to help out.


Have in mind game was free tho. And the problem has always been to keep the players. And for that they need to push out fixed alot faster than they have done before.

Like now in PVP there is performance issues, bombs not working, perks that is out of balance, visual glitches like invis roll, invis hits, players healthbars not visible
 list goes on but these are some that I know is been looking into but it cant take a month or two before it gets fixed wich is how it’s been earlier.

This is now irrelevant. 33k was the peak today. That is 8k less than the total peak from the free weekend. Yet 24k higher than the population before 3.0

3x as many people stayed as left. For every person who came in for 3.0 and left, three more stayed.

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I’d like to see the number of players who left the game due to building bans and feed up with hackers.


This is a number I’d also like to see but probably never will. Obviously they’d have a database

And realistically, how many came back anyway out of curiosity by buying a new account. Then of course there’s those that log in with 2 accounts to monitor their bases, etc.,
 probably a small number but still a part of the whole.

Why would anyone care about players who are so sensitive that they’d quit an entire game over not being able to login to a substandard set of servers? In either case, 24k just replaced them. They are now irrelevant.

They don’t just take time off mate. We don’t know what goes on in the office, but I guarantee you they are working full time hours on the list of things to fix.

Salty I see😉

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About at most a few hundred players over the last year? Why would I be?

Are you talking about the vanilla offical game? Because if you don’t care about them then you may as well adjust your numbers again.

Update on my sever/base lag. My clan nearly gave up, lost hope from the crashing. Meanwhile we’ve been at war with two other 10 man clans. Yesterday only one of us logged in to look after the base. Of course people will take advantage of this so about 2 hours in they start bombing/lighting one side of our base. The one guy try’s to defend but due to the constant crash’s we loose about 30 leveled thralls. Now to the point we had about 100 leveled thralls/horse and some pets. Now that we are down to 70 we no longer crash in our base, yes there is still a fair amount of lag. Did funcom mess up how many thralls one clan can have? The difference between crashing every 5 minutes to no crash’s due to 30 less thralls is unbelievable.

In the end they thought they put a hurting on us but in reality they freed us from the unplayable crashing in our base.

It is clearly server dependent. I have my own server that I built specifically to have the best server I could muster for Conan, and it runs Siptah flawlessly. Now that doesnt mean it couldnt be “optimized” (I mean
 that’s pretty vague but I’ll go with it) but it does mean that with the right hardware, the game will run fine. Considering with the great server merge FC said they see a trend to private servers, I wouldnt expect bending over backwards to accommodate gportal performance during a peak. I would expect that after the peak, FC might then say “how’s it doing now?” and then worry about “optimizations” for gimpy servers.

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Sounds like we have evidence here that the thrall limit actually is important

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