Why i am banned?

Hello world,

After a game time on an official server filled with players practicing various glitch, my team and I even postponed these, shortly after this postponement, we took a ban, can we know what is the reason for banning? the majority of the players of the official servers are tired of seeing cheaters at any time, we would like to know, after using tens of euros in the purchase of conan exiles and its various DLC, why we can no longer play on official server?

Funcom id: Kess#18157

The “Why am I banned question?” can be asked by submitting a ticket to ZenDesk:

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ticket send 1 week without ask 

It can take a few weeks to get a reply also do note that it can take along time for devs to follow up so say someone put a report in months ago you are now receive it as it took that long to get to it so you may have done something a long time ago or your clan mate and they or you might not remember at all which is both sad and funny at the same time also note if one person in your clan violated the rules all of your clan gets banned not just them hope that helps some

130 dollars for Conan Exiles for take random bannissement without email

We know from a reliable source that anyone on the server where we were not Russian was ban by funcom, I allow myself to complain because yes I paid for a game, to know if I am banned and for what reason, and in this case, I am sure I did nothing, and that this ban is only a mass report coming from player wanting to privatize an official server for their country and personal interest.

Then don’t play on an official server. Complaining about being banned from officials servers and then announcing to the world how much you spent on the game, it’s generally poor form. Get your own server and admin it the way you see fit. If you’re part of a ‘team’, you shouldn’t have a problem affording your own sandbox to play in.