Why the fall though?

Seriously, there may be an older in game bug, but I can’t think of one.

Why does it only effect humans?
Does not effect anything else, not skeletons or other bodies with loot. Not animals or bosses.

So just what is that one thing of difference?
Seems it would be easy enough to have figured it out by now, it’s only been YEARS.

Now I know I’m not the brightest bulb in the chandelier, but I’m bright enough to know the brighter bulbs can light things up. So I’d like to think there are people here that could figure out this mystery. Which might be the only way it ever gets fixed.

So you all that consistently prove you are smarty then me, maybe you can take a look at it, figure it out, and tell funcom what the bug is.

Because it’s flocking abundantly clear they can’t.
Maybe that will be the only way many of these bugs get fixed. funcom has proven to be quite inadequate for the job.


Are you talking about the desynching of KO’d NPCs?

Yes. Knocked out or killed to loot. Human AND ONLY HUMAN bodies fall through.

But don’t worry about it, the zombies do not fall though playing 7D2D.

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