Wishlist for SWL future patches(because im a hopeless dreamer)

I keep both SWL and TSW installed side by side and have played and play both until endgame 22000+ hours in both games combined. TSW had a few Things I miss in SWL. Hear me out pls.

Some of these are mine and some are stolen from others. I believe some of these would be simple quality of life improvements that wouldnt need a lot of development.

: Make us able to choose specific Dungeons in Activity finder.

: DO NOT kick everyone fro Group and raid when leaving a raid zone or Dungeon.
It was more practical in TSW when you could both add and remove People and bring in New People while in an instance.
This would make crashing less of a problem.

: Make anima potions and romantic cake stack to 999.

: Remove deserter debuff from megaboss dungeons or event instances. There is no need for it and its buggy

: Make all chat channels global.

: Make full game client download default. If possible enable 100% of all the graphics and items in game downloaded. would get rid of 90+% of crashes and complaints from new players

: Make upgrade window pinnable

: Make cache keys account-wide the same way aurum is and make the regular login rewards available to all characters the same way as event login rewards.

: Make anima shards account wide. My main cant spend 46 million anima shards. Make it account wide to make me wanna play my alts.

: Increase the stack size of event reward vessels like the snowflakes and bee hives. Suggestion is 99

: Increase number of builds you can save from 10 to 100 or even 200 and make us able to share and import builds in chat

: Create Menu item giving you detailed statistics of your character. like “how many E17 nyr have I done”

: Make a cutscene replay menu

: why does Dark Agartha cost sp and ap? make it free so people want to do it on all levels. + make it so you can repeat DA over and over. Like you can with raids.

: Make SP and AP stack to infinity and remove the notification.

: Repeatable main story missions.(no reward)

: Remove MOF or aurum cost for weapons 3 trough 9. It shouldnt exist

: Small increase in max Inventory size from 135 to 150.

: Make cosmetic pricing make sense. Ingame purchase of aurum 100 Euro for 12k. this in worst case buys you 6 cosmetic outfits. 2000 or 750aurum for a bunch of cosmetics ingame is the reason you see close to ZERO people buying them. Set pricing to 100 aurum per item and see them fly of the shelves. Cosmetics is the true endgame as we all know.

: Same as above but make shadow trafficker agent equipment pricing and reward system make sense. You have to spent an absurd amount of money to get 1 piece of agent gear especially red gear and you can be sure its a duplicate you already own. Its also character bound and cannot be sold. Its insane. Prices needs to be lowered and you need to drop an item you dont already own or at the very least make it sellable. The agent gear doesnt give you any real advantage in any real sense ingame even when you send an agent on a mission using it. It makes no sense to spend money on it.

: Bring back eidolon and flappy raids to make old players come back and endgame players stay around.
Rewards for raids should be MORE then mk4 weapon shards because they have a very Limited shelf life and quickly drop in value. Eidolon and flappy would also be opportunity to bring back the other carapace cosmetics such as the ones from “the whispering tide” event.

: bring back Dungeons that were left out + all Dungeons available in Elite Levels.

: Weapon signets. A quick fix to make People come back to grind. They exist in TSW and I could see them be a Nice addition to SWL. 21 Item Power bump per weapon signet make max ip 1792. No need for New Dungeon Level. Endgame players have a LOT of weapons but weapons With different signets is a reason for even more weapons and could make rarely used weapons become relevant trough synergy With different signets. And even interact With talisman gimmicks.

:future content


what he said +,

: if you have the holy trinity in your game don’t let tank and heal weapons out dps dmg weapons.

: Looting a signet shouldn’t be a punishment by loosing the so desired signet exp, make it an addition to the loot.

: The max. IP + blue chest + ultra rare drop % makes it almost impossible to get the agents.

: Remove casttimes for skills (Looking at 2 and 3s for ele elites)

: Consider lowering the f2p mission CD from 72 to 46/48hrs. (We need people to run lairs with us!)

: More options to let us choose if we want weapon, talisman or glyph exp or split it up (I run SnP for glyph exp not more talis exp., would run dungs for that)

: Fix Eblis!