Wow you guys changed daily reset time 2 hrs earlier?

was dragging a named thrall i’ve been camping for 3 hours and reset 2 hrs earlier than usual and i lost my thrall that i finally found???

You guys didn’t even post about this at patch note!

this is ridiculous! i am so salty they make me to play more hrs of Conan Exiles! >_<

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well this is such a retarded way to lose a dragged thrall…

I knew this happen since beginning of EA. And don’t expect funcom to let players don’t lose their dragged thrall after daily reset

Sorry to hear that you have to play the game again to get the thrall :’((((((

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what time are official servers daily reset?

I don’t think that’s fair, Kryder.

It’s not asking too much for server resets to be on a scheduled timer. Many other games do this, even if they don’t implement a server announcement the least that can be done is to do it on a consistent schedule.

at the very least there has to be an in game indication that servers are being reset… basic communication!

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