Xevyr's guide to Thralls

Sudden thought - if by ‘working toward that gear’ you mean things like getting the recipes, it’s worth knowing that there have been several reports of characters dying (and being unable to retrieve gear) when going to the spot to learn dragonbone armour. In theory, the latest hotfix may have fixed this, but I wouldn’t want to send you somewhere that causes you to loseyour stuff. Getting the Redeemed Silent Legion gear might be the safer option at the moment :slight_smile:

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Phew, thanks for the heads up lol. I will go for the Redeemed Silent Legion Gear for now. I appreciate it.


Welcome my friend nothing is actually useless, even a tier 1 thrall can give you something, but in battle you have to make stronger choices and why not feel the loss like everyone else.
Loosing in this game gives you knowledge and experience we all been to this path, it’s inevitable.
Berserkers are really decent thralls, but like all the thralls their “performance” is on you now more than ever i guess.
If you choose the fighter role and your thrall is only a healing pillow until you throw your self again in the battle, you don’t need authority points, but you need both extraordinary gear and great knowledge of what you’re facing next. In this option your fighter is to rest you for seconds and you pull him out of the fight by pressing stand and defend in a safe distance. Whenever you need some back up you order attack, so it will take the agro for awhile to “gather up”.
If you wish to be the Commander and participate less in the fights, then you need to spend 20 authority points and choose between well trained or war party. The guide above gives all the details you need to know if you haven’t already figure it out your self.
What i will suggest you however is this.

Well trained to be used when you need to train your thrall or pet with safety.
Don’t choose…
Arena champion
Wine cellar dungeon
Rotbranch (he is near you, don’t get your thralls to this thrall killer).
A lot people will brag that they kill easily these enemies above with thralls. Don’t bite play smart, if something goes wrong you will loose a lot for literally nothing, so i suggest you to avoid.

War party. Unless you go to the unnamed city or jungle, don’t try to train 2 thralls at the time in harsh situations. Choose smart where to train your thralls. War party with end lvl thralls can be really beneficial, it will gives you access to many difficult opponents and dungeons. But not Al Mera yah fort. This task is for you alone to win.
More or less my friend you are the hero, non other. It’s best that you learn the game this way, trust me.

No they are not, at all.
A lvl 20 saber, frost giant, or even the “new were hyena” are far from useless.
Then again the Camel warrior reach over 30k hp and have 30 slots inventory.
So here’s a suggestion.
Build 20 agility
20 vitality
20 grit
Get a Musashi and a Tulwar, wear light epic armor, and take with you a camel mount and a camel warrior. Give them good distance from you and start killing relentlessly everything in the map. Those fellows behind have 50 slots capacity both.
If you wish to fight however the rockslide ir the Rotbranch, i will suggest you dragonbone armor and shield too.
Kill the whole freaking map alone, this build is making you an absolute beast.
Have fun m8 :hugs:.


Thank you. I appreciate the advice. We will give that pet combo a try for sure. I didn’t know warrior camels were a thing, so I will research those. :smiley:


They bite, and it looks extremely funny. :laughing:


Seems to be working now.

This is a great and detailed thrall guide, nice work. I’ve played for about 6 years now and these days, when we are talking about the “top tier” T4 fighters it doesn’t really matter which one i get. Lian, Dalinsia, Berserker, Teimos, all perform basically the same in PvE fights with only marginal differences. I don’t care about the multipliers, stats and numbers that much anymore but i do get the extra 14% just because why not. My thralls won’t see big fights until they are at least somewhere around lvl 10 so grilled steak healing is quite enough. And besides, the creatures and other NPC’s are so weak these days that the thralls walk over them with no problem. Only problematic situation is when they are surrounded and can’t move but in that case they are usually done no matter the level, gear or food.

And as i said, i don’t stare at the stats and numbers so much but i am aware of them so i know they do make some difference but how much it affects actual gameplay… Haven’t seen much difference in how or if they beat the world bosses. Of course if you squeeze everything out of them buff-wise, the fights are faster but without the buffs the outcome is the same, you’ll just have to wait a minute longer. The thralls hardly take a dent if you don’t rush them into a big fight too soon.

It would be great if we had the old, proper thralls that we used to. Dalinsia with what, over 15k HP? I can’t remember exactly anymore but those were the days. And i can’t understand why they were nerfed, my thralls never survived a raid no matter how they were geared up, all they did was slow the attack down. Now they can’t do even that since without the raised attributes perk they can almost be blown over by a naked player.

And then the blunted arrows, they used to be great help when you hadn’t leveled up yet or didn’t have proper gear for some reason. I mean that’s what they are for, knocking out your target from afar. If they are in the game, why would they keep players from “cheesing” when that’s the purpose of arrows? There’s the purple lotus orb anyways, you throw it from a distance and just watch the thrall stand in the gas and get knocked out. That, if something is cheesing.

But yeah, it all comes down to personal preference on how you want to do things. Back in the day it meant something to finally find Dalinsia wondering around, but today i don’t care. Some “better” T4 fighter, some heavy armor and a one handed mace and i’m good to go.

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Can’t tell if you’re praising the guide or bashing it :joy:


Praising, in the one sentence where they’re actually talking about the guide.


Obviously he is.

Well said @Koschgine, well said. I don’t miss 15k Dalinsia tbh, but i do miss their ability to fight better and be able to protect their self without getting staggered all the time.
I do agree thralls to get staggered from other players, but for one round only, after this round the thrall should start the combo nonetheless, like arena champion is doing. Same with purges, or other npc conflicts. Thralls now do the damage they must, it was completely cruel to them to be staggered so easy as well.
Anyway this topic is not for this reason. Yet i wanted to reply to this thread of yours, because it’s not fair to reply only when i disagree with you, it’s not friendly.

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Just go yhere naked and tag the lore stone for the recipe. safest way l, and how i always do it while leveling up on a new server.

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Is it on the thrall new AI or is it on me that i hardly keep anything else alive following me other than horses and camels :rofl:. If any thrall goes 20 while following me, it never fights again lol!

xevyr, thanks for such an awesome tool…

it does that some of the guards on purges remains after the purge is over , the ones with 1 skull…

when deployed they do have 2520 HP unless i looked int he wrong place, none in your list matches the hp value of this one. so far i manged to capture 4, 2 died while they were powerleveled to 20, and they all come with no stats at all, (all this at official servers), they dont get any growth chance, and they only benefits from perks, missplaced the level 0 screenshot, but. i do have one picture that can be used to bring back their original hp values.

here it is. :

strong text

above is how it is listed under chapter 4. maybe i did not looked well?

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the other one @Xevyr

and again thanks for your always useful comments and work.

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plantet earth calling master Xevyr’s !


Thank you!

Have thrall stats changed in Age of Heroes’ public beta?

The spreadsheet is updated to the beta so you can check!


it did not came with crafters info correct? i only see fighters /archers/performers /bearers unless i am missing soemthing.

Good. I have been using Aesir Warriors on Siptah for years, and for awhile they will be much more useful than just Aesthetic.