You don't like veterans?

I’ll be just starting a new dude for the new map. I don’t understand what everyone is complaining for tbh, when one character or build is getting stale you can switch up to a different one completely on a new map. Only two minor things concern me, one is that funcom might be stretching too far to cover upkeep on an entirely second map which is going to bring hundreds of new servers. Which brings me to my second concern of having enough player base to populate two seperate maps. Seems to me we are probably either going to see the total death of one or really thinly populated servers on both. We will see I guess.

The thing is the way they made “new” maps was by technically wiping out the base world map and thus -requiring- the mod to run the new map. Now a map(though packaged in a mod) can exist in it’s own map loader menu. It’s a subtle difference, but a notable one.

The best way to describe it is now you could, if you were crazy enough, make a “map compilation” mod that, when loaded, would let you choose from 5 different maps altogether when selecting what map to play on, all with a single mod.

In that past, because the only way to get a “new” map was to modify/wipe out the old one to start over it as a blank slate, you would have needed 5 separate mods and because they all would use the “same”(but never featuring the same assets in all the different mods) map, you’d have to make absolutely sure to never load than a single mod at once to avoid conflict.

Since the new map system loads map separately from mods(as in, they have their own menu/etc so you can select re: what map to play on), you could have multiple map mods loaded and not have to worry about any conflict whatsoever.

To put it another, way you could have a mod that add a new map AND new feature in a single bundle, and you could still decide to load the basic Conan Exiles map instead of the mod’s custom map yet still benefit from every other features such as new recipes/etc. Perhaps the mod could ALSO include it’s own modifications to the Conan Exiles map to further integrate it and still support it’s own custom map to play on instead.

At least, from what I understood.

We have been gamers since the 80s. Conan has us hook line and sinker. Mrs, Mrs Jones will buy everything. If Funcom sold trinkets like some other companies, she would have them all.

There is star wars stuff here from 20 years ago.
Gamers have to have it all, its just the way we are.


“We will lose all progress” is such a weird argument, because you would lose your progress either way.

You took 1000h to make that perfect Dalinsia? Guess what, now there is this tier 7 chick with 2x more attack that will be stronger than your Dalinsia in 5 hours of leveling. Took you a month to build that mega castle? Guess what, tier 8 purges need tier 6 buildings, which need new materials, and it costs the same to upgrade yours, as it costs you to make a new one from scratch. You made no progress.

That’s how adding new content works, your previous diminishing returns you got by min-maxing 5% for hundreds of hours becomes a wasted effort and your achievements become obsolete with increased level cap. You are just keeping your progress on paper, but in reality, anyone can catch up to your 3000h toon in a few days, so your progress doesn’t matter anyway.

Unless you want the new content to be under your level so you can rush it in 1h and complain it was easy and short, how exactly do you imagine adding new content and not making your previous progress irelevant?

It’s actually the other way around, keeping the old map makes all your effort still valid, since it would still take a new person the same amount of time to get there, and you can now keep that progress and use your experience to be better in the new map from the start.


61GB Expansion, Im dl right now. miss my old fibreoptics line.

I’m ready to try this expansion :star_struck:

Mine just went form a 2.5 hours D/L to a 5.5 hours D/L

oww thats harsch.

I’m on 4G , it’s doing well, 1hour and 29min remaining.

more coffee…

Mrs, Mrs Jone’s 6 year old PC is done, my Alienware still has time to go.
We live out in the sticks, cable not that great.

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Then they don’t get to play on the new map. What exactly is your gripe?

I can accept having to start over on a new map … fine. But I checked out the new healing and temp system on Testlive, and sorry, it sucks. Most food recipes are not worth acquiring or using up the materials to make them. Just about any armor will be good enough to negate temperature effects. Temps inside a shelter went from normal to all over the spectrum of extreme heat and changes just by taking one step in a direction. OK, add a new map, but why change things that were working.

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My Toyota worked just fine, but it didn’t have AWD, so I traded it in. :stuck_out_tongue:

Most food recipes weren’t worth acquiring in the first place. Hell, most legendary weapons out of the skeleton key chests are not worth it.

This is a recurring theme with Conan Exiles. It should be handled better, true, but that doesn’t mean that the changes in the underlying mechanics are bad per se.

As opposed to:

  • having to strip naked to stop freezing
  • having DLC armors with completely ridiculous temp resistances

The nature of the change is welcome. The actual values might need to be tweaked. So let’s use Early Access to help Funcom tweak them.

That sounds like some excellent material for a bug report.

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