Game mode: PVE-Conflict: Online Private Dedicated Server
Type of issue: ConanSandboxServer-Win64-Test.exe has hanged and stopped working
Server type: Windows 10 Pro Private Dedicated Server
ConanSandboxServer-Win64-Test.exe has hanged and stopped working.
***After launching Conan Exiles using either the dedicated launcher program or even without using that program, it starts going through its process and then hangs and stops loading and I get a Conansandbox server-win64-test.exe has stopped working. This problem all started after 6/16/2020 Patch I can’t get my dedicated server to run conan exiles as dedicated anymore. I can play the game on it if I wanted too just to see it it works and it does, but it will not run as a dedicated Conan Exiles server anymore.
I never had any problems running conan exiles on this dedicated pc even with multiple people logging on and play on it. This all happen after this 6/16/ 2020 patch. P.S. I always run this without any Mods installed. Also there are no error messages in logs.
Here are things that I have tried, Fresh install of Conan exiles. I format my hard drive and did a fresh install of windows 10 pro. I tried different version of Conan exiles Dedicated Server launcher and I even tried the manual SteamCMD way. I even tried different port settings. I am able to host conan exiles on another PC that I own but for some reason it will not run on my original Dedicated PC that I only used for Conan. I can host any other dedicated game on this pc with no problem. I even had to switch to hosting ARK while I wait for a fix for this problem.
Question was there anything added to this new patch that can block a PC hardware from running this new version?