Age of Heroes: October 17

A wise man in our country once said : Puberty begins in a man at thirteen years of age - and it never ends , only about sixty years of age it begins to pass smoothly into the dementia of old age.


:rage: :older_man:

I’m afraid you overestimate my linguistic proficiency. I’m more or less fluent in only my native Finnish as well as English. I can survive in everyday life with Swedish and German, I have known and forgotten the basics of Spanish, Classical Latin and Modern Standard Arabic, and I’ve been able to parse Hungarian, Basque and Orhon-Jenisei as part of my linguistic studies.

All languages can be broken into formulae, and once you understand the formula, you can start to understand the language. All you need is words, and you can find those in a dictionary. The problem with machine translation is that it tends to have a poor understanding of context, and many words have different meanings that depend on context. Modern LLMs are more capable of making educated guesses because they have a better pool of source material with which to compare the text being processed, but they’re still fallible.

More importantly, if one doesn’t understand the language being translated, one can never be certain that the translation is correct. Relying on machine translation in communicating with other people is a risky business, because “If a message can be interpreted in several ways, it will be interpreted in a manner that maximizes the damage.” (The Second Law of Wiio)


No, Thursday is a terrible day for a major update

But Funcom has shown us, over and over, that business norms are not in their wheelhouse.

If the update follows their SOP, it will drop, it will crash servers and clients, they will act surprised, go home on Friday, and be silent until a hot fix comes out that addresses 7.361% of the issues and end by telling us we are playing an open world sandbox game incorrectly.


Exactly this! I remember i tried once to translate my water switch system on French, so the owners will be able to switch waters alone and it really didn’t went well :rofl::rofl::rofl:. At least we laughed a lot :wink:.


I only know the 2 American languages, written and spoken. No they are not the same language. Say throo, now spell it. Not the same language.


Is the Falling through the floor bug getting fixed as promised? You said you were going to fix it during the AoH livestream.

Also, we never received a notification about the thrall cap changing, therefore it should remain status quo.

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:brazil: feedback bug patch-notes Conan Exiles @Funcom_Community

Espero que a funcom resolva esse BUG e faça o ajuste com essa nova atualização. Todos agora só usa o martelo para isso :thinking:


No way to test the changes to the original Beta released on September 3rd. So if it was reported we’ll have to wait and see on October 17th.

Spanish-english,english-spanish is quite correct in web translators,well,to be honest,google,maybe users sends their corrections,there are a lot of people talking both.
Don´t talk about chat AI and art AI creator,chat AI will give an error even explaining exactly what you want,changing words and phrases to make your question more understable…or i belive i use correct expresions to aclarate the whole meaning.
Art AI creator is…wow,some images are cool…paint for me an image containing a,b,c,d…and some creations are really cool…but will finally give an error.
Is still very poor,have nonseseless answers.
Code AI will send no finished scripts…I tryed to get a script i saw over there the net,finished and fixed.Never had the fix.
It could be cool to have a AI chat applied in games,even just to stay entertained,not a chat for game-play.
I think i saw a few tries appliying chat AI in games.
Some AI tells about they can do almost everything.
I like your Basque knowing!!!
I just know some words,very few.
I hear some bands using basque,in all songs or in some.
About finnish,i like this movie quite a lot.
Rare Exports

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Greetings fellow exiles. I just watched the August livestream and I gotta say I’m super excited and cannot wait for Thursday to get here.
But I do have a concern. I play on official servers and all of the official servers in my time zone for my region all have 1 thing in common. The NPC’s are non responsive a lot of the time and when they do respond they behave erratically. Teleporting, tracking in the wrong direction, etc. I asked around about it and the general consensus was that there’s a lot building going on under the mesh, which is entirely out of my domain. And I’m just curious if any of the Qand A testing took that into account when they were testing the new behaviors and what not?


Been on the public beta servers for 6 weeks.
Your excitement will turn to disappointment once you log in.

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@Danika_Black Welcome to the Forum. Alot to be learned here.

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@DeaconElie what game mode are you testing?if all my bench thralls will now stand around even just picking their noses that’s fine. Since I currently have none. Because someone found all my body vaults and then I just offlined Sunday night too. But in the livestream I heard Dennis say some thralls might just cower, others will flee… I would love to be a fly in the wall for those first few raids and watch bench thralls cower in corners blocking chests or in choke points and jamming people up while the bombs are going off. I think it’s gonna be very interesting at least to see how this changes the raid dynamics , specifically the defense side of the fight. Also they can’t just pack them up anymore and move them but neither can the raiders steal them either so all these sweaty tough guys are going to be getting thralls very often, which makes them vulnerable. You could even just troll them and run up and kill the thrall they’re dragging so they gotta go do it again. I think it’s going to be very interesting. But I really want to see what happens when they mesh them. Will they displace for some reason and end up above ground ? :man_shrugging: Yep, cannot wait for Thursday to get here.

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I’m testing PVE on the exiled lands.

I can see the update being problematic for the PvE servers. Everything’s congested but everyone will now expect to turn their humble home into full size settlement :man_shrugging:So come to PvP coz I think it’s gonna be funny as heck :joy::joy::joy:

Always does , can not believe people still try think differently :joy:



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