All combat T4 thralls with stats, sortable

Hi, folks. For those of you who use (or have not yet used) the wiki, we added a table with all combat T4 and T4 (Purge) thralls that includes all relevant stats, sortable. So, use this to pick what you want, the stats that complement your playstyle or just to see what is in your inventory prior to placement.

Enjoy as a reference :slight_smile:




Nice work, definitely a huge help! :slight_smile:


How much do these melee damage modifiers affect the actual damage the thralls do? And how much better / worse is it than extra strength points?
For example: Cimmerian Berserker starts with 15 STR and has a melee modifier of 3,92. Janos has 30 STR but only 3,4125 melee modifier.
So, would Janosā€™ 15 extra starting strength make a bigger difference than the 0,5075 melee modifier? Or would the Cimmerian Berserker do more damage due to the slightly higher melee modifier?

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I wish we could answer that, Force, but suspect you would not like the result.

I canā€™t find the relationship between STR and STR damage multiplier in the devkit, but have done some comparisons with AGI.

As a player, AGI is related to innate armor at a 4 to 1 ratio; 1 point of AGI imparts 4 armor, always. Thralls, however, do not retain a fixed relationship between AGI and innate armor. A quick glance at a few thralls show 5 to 1 and 10 to 1 for two different named thralls. A logical, but unproven, conclusion is that both AGI and STR to armor and melee damage multiplier (and other stats) are based on faction or race, or something altogether different.

Try both out !




Omg, thank you, thank you, thank you, nice jod , thank you again :joy::joy::joy:.

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We got a couple of questions about accessing the data since it is different from the rest of the tables, so this may help:




Relic Hunter Treasure Seekers donā€™t show on this table, I thought they were considered T4?

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Could there be a browser difference, Dysco? Iā€™m using Chrome. The only other thing that comes to mind is that you sorted on a column and they are not in the default order (alphabetical by name).



I think I figured it out. When I click the link you provided, it brings me to a page where all the types of followers are listed by a section that can be expanded. When I click the Fighters section, itsā€™ not there; however, the ā€œshow t4 and t4 Archers and Fightersā€ section does have them.

They are missing from the named fighter section though. Cim berserkers are there, so I was assuming Relic Hunters should be there as well.

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Good catch. As to the details, the ā€˜All Fightersā€™ is driven by the individual thrallā€™s page through a database query and the Fighter table is updated by hand. With the desire to update the wiki as soon as information becomes available, we are leaning to making changes in one spot, not in every page/table. Although more complicated, itā€™s faster and requires less edits, thus less manpower.

Personally, I canā€™t speak to the Fighter chart, but I am sorry it happened.

Again, good catch.




Donā€™t be sorry, this is a fantastic resource Iā€™ve been using for a very long time now, Thank you !

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Ohooā€¦ Janos & Lian have also rather high melee multiplier and they start with 30 STR, compared to Cim Zerkers or Volcano, which start with 15 STR.

So can a lvl20 Janos with HIGH STR do more dmg than a volcano or zerker?

@Wak4863 Maybe you have some time for some tests :wink:

Lets say at the end they got +30 STR each (without perks):

So cim (which has little bit higher multiplier) would have 3.92*(30+15) = 176,4
Janos or Lian have 3.4125*(30+30) = 204,75

But I dont know how this melee multiplier and STR are used, when calculating dmgā€¦ So its hard to say.

Edit: The Chieftain fighters would also have a higher ā€œvalueā€. Same with the purge fighters from NA.

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I think youā€™re on the right road, Jot, but several things come to mind.

First, the delta effect would be much more noticeable at level 0 since the STR difference is much more pronounced.

Secondly, we seem to understand the effect of the strength multiplier, straight multiplication. What we do not know is the effect that STR has on damage done to the target. And please, please donā€™t get me started on armor pen :aaaaaa:

But then, should we take all the mystery out of the game? I recognize the irony of hearing that from someone who works on the wiki, but I do play the game and rather enjoy discoveries.



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The thing that has always bothered me with games is how they present us with numerical information, but not all context affecting the end result so that we end up with a vague sense of ā€œbigger number = betterā€ but not the exact effect. With things like hidden damage multipliers, and with no accurate info on how much an extra point of STR affects damage, weā€™ve no way of knowing whether Janos hits harder than a Cimmerian Berserker.

This is by no means exclusively a Conan Exiles feature. Many games have similar issues with presenting enough numbers to tease players about the possibility to optimize, but not enough data to actually optimize. If JRPG character A has STR 1375 and an attack effectiveness C, does he do more or less damage than character B who has STR 1285 but an attack effectiveness of B+, or does it depend on an extra factor that isnā€™t given a visible numerical value?

But Iā€™m a person who loves numbers. I want all the numbers all the time. I donā€™t necessarily always pick the optimal solution if something else looks cooler or feels more like my style or if I just like another companion character more, but Iā€™d still love to be able to make an informed suboptimal decision.

This isnā€™t meant as a criticism towards you, Jim1 - on the contrary, I very much appreciate your effort to collect and present us with as much information as possible. Itā€™s more criticism towards game designers with a particular philosophy regarding numbers.


Personally, I fully agree with you. I also like numbers and finite, definite solutions. I also get a thrill when discovering things that are new to me, whether a way to build something better or kill something quicker.

The numbers thing drove me to wiki volunteering and is quite satisfying to see the results that correlate with ingame effects.

For the purpose of discussion, though, I recognize not all think the way we do and get more of a rush with the discovery part, so torn, here. Should we develop a roadmap that someone can follow from the start to the end by following instructions? It would seem to rob those whose main thrill is discovery.

The way I (again, personally) resolve those two opposing views with is the knowledge that wiki use is a choice. The adventurer does not need it, nor particularly want it, but itā€™s there when they get stuck.

Just food for thought. By the way, thanks for your contributions here, Kap, you are well known and have my respect.




from some work on have done, and from basic observations, it looks like thrall multiply the damage of a weapon by the rating. Do not know how the leveling % adds into that formula. that is why it seems the Sword o fCrom does so much more damage than in a players hands.
Basically, without going into crazy formulas I have looked up on the net, a player with 30 str would do roughly 195 DMG with Sword of Crom with a master fitting (+5 DMG). That is using the formula i found of 96+(96+(30/100)). For a thrall i suspect and am 90% sure it is 374 dmg (96*3.90) for like an Erii. Hence the one near 1-shot of 3rd perk vit players (440 health).

This is then adjusted in a final calculation when you strike the enemy, where AP% and armor reduction% figure into final number, along with bonuses from both players different applicable perks.


I may test this tonight on single player. Put down a thrall with 3.9 melee, reset characterā€¦then put 440 health on my player, instigate a strike. See how much damage it does. Then use a lower tiered thrall for same thing. My guess is i will be pretty close with the numbers.


And this is my approach to Wikis, guides, etc. too. I like to discover things on my own and rarely resort to guides. That is, as long as the game itself provides me with information. With games like Conan Exiles, where measurable information on the game is limited, trying to discover things on my own becomes frustrating because the information simply is not there.

If a guide exists, people have the choice of using it or not depending on their own personal preferences. If there are no guides, people have to discover things on their own, including in cases where itā€™s not fun. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m grateful for people who write guides even if I donā€™t always want to use them.


All right, got some testing done to get 1st numbers/

All three thralls used Blade of the adventurer, 76 DMG, 15% Armor Pen
I anly put stats in vitlaity to 30ā€¦440 HP. No armor reduction or skin perks

Dalinaseā€”Chartā€”3.9 Meleeā€“Level 0, 12% Str ā€œbonusā€ DMG done 212
Waros breakerā€”2.925 Meleeā€“level 0, 15% Str ā€œbonusā€ DMG done 163
Waros breakerā€”2.925 Meleeā€“level 5, 20% Str ā€œbonusā€ DMG done 171

SO my first guess, and will appy by changing weapons is this
Heavy 1st strike is
Wpn x 0.64 x Melee Rating x (1+Str Bonus) = DMG output
So for Dalinisa
76 x 0.64 x 3.9 x (1+0.12) = 212
Waros L0
76 x 0.64 x 3.9 x (1+0.15) = 164
Waros L5
76 x 0.64 x 3.9 x (1+0.20) = 171

Numbers arenā€™t exact, as there was some rounding but they are so close i am pretty sure. If i do this with Dragon bone tonight, i shouold get

63 x 0.64 x 3.9 x (1+0.12) = 176
Waros L0
63 x 0.64 x 3.9 x (1+0.15) = 136
Waros L5
63 x 0.64 x 3.9 x (1+0.20) = 142
if not, then back to drawing board. The 0.64 is the wild card, and may not be correct.


So for further calcs, we need lvl20 Janos, Lians and Dalinsia (or Cims) to see what their %STR dmg boost it, with certain value of STR.

I can post to STR to DMG value from 2xLvl20 Dalinsia (naked ones) and also from 2xLvl20 Cims. But I dont have lvl20 Janos or Lians.

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