All players and admins having issues placing building parts near the river north of riversend up to the bridge C10 & C11, D10 & D11]

Yes. Whatever loads last takes priority. Pippi is well known to always go first in the load order, and LBPR must always go after any mod that adds buildings or placeables (which consists of most of your mods).

I would never suggest you test problem mods on your actual server. This should always be done on a test server, (the dedicated server app is great for this) and/or in single player.

The point though with AoC is that it’s a specific action that leads to being unable to place buildings or placeables. And that is it’s magic system. You don’t need to remove the mod to determine that. You just need to have your players do as I suggested, remove their bracelet to reset their character. A server restart, in this case, isn’t enough. Has to be bracelet removal.

Unrelated, I know that Stone Statues is buggy for some reason. But I don’t recall why or the specifics anymore, I just know it has issues. It’s probably unrelated to your specific issue, but keep that in mind.