An explanation of the forum flagging system

Yes, I completely agree with that. What I’m disputing are claims of systematic abuse.

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if the rule of the game are the same as the rules of the forum.

we are all scre… :bongocat: :bongocat:

the next time your account is suspended.

contact Cattibria . he responds quickly

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I really don’t know how to simplify my explanation any further.

Wrong again, as usually and can be counted on. I do like dependable people.

So you posted this knowing it was going to stir up people… Isn’t that a TOS violation?

You saying so isn’t ample evidence.

But it is, why can’t I get that through to you?

Wrong, is as your habit.

Not the issue and I just can not get that through to you.

Show me where I ever said they were wrong, but once again the part you just don’t get.

My lord how can you be so wrong so consistently? Why can I not seem to get it though to you the issue isn’t the TOS .

Never claimed to have any, not sure where you got the idea I did.

Did that. saved, was reading it didn’t get done reading it before it was hidden.

Still lets see this proof it takes multiple flags to have a post hidden. Link me to it, give me a quote, don’t just say it’s so because you believe it is.

Lets see if I can make my self clear. A post isn’t a TOS violation till some one flags it. So if a post is or isn’t a TOS violation is dependent on the person reading it. I’m pretty lax, WITH EVERYONE. it ain’t just about me.

And sorry, I’m not tiptoeing on egg shells because the noise might offend some one. I’m pretty sure the mods are well aware of this. And ya, that propblem isn’t on my end. Maybe some propel need to be more tolerant.

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Please keep this in mind before contacting me. I am a volunteer and do not have any obligation to respond.


This is pretty common knowledge. On the off chance that I do flag a post, it doesn’t instantly get hidden. You can see that yourself. One person can’t hide a post on their own. Unless its a moderator or higher.

Prior to March of last year those of us with Regular status could instant hide a post. But AndyB fixed the threshold to be higher. This isn’t as common knowledge, but generally known.

Ok, brief aside, debate rules…
Just no.
If this forum used any form of any rules of rhetoric or debate that this one has participated under or was in a panel for…
Well, it would be vacant and most topics locked within a couple dozen posts.

This one enjoys socializing here, but let’s be honest, it can sometimes be a microcosm for why Conan hates civilization.
Even when calling out fallacies, we frequently are engaging in them.
Which is perfectly fine in an informal setting.

This one thinks of it like this…
This one, left to their own devices, lounges unclothed in a pool of warm water. However… If this one wishes to go out in public, this one must clothe themselves. Furthermore, there will be other pools of warm water that this one is not allowed to simply enter at whim.
Now, there is a loose dress code in public, but some specific places have more stringent expectations.

Shirts were generally optional for males where this one grew up. But entering an eatery required shoes and shirts! Then there were formal events.

This one views the forums like an eatery.
There are more restrictions than just appearing in public, but certainly not a regimented and formalized experience.


I wrote an informative post, knowing that there will be people who want to push their own narrative because it disagrees with the facts. I also like dependable people :wink:

No, because the post presents correct information and does so respectfully. It’s got nothing to do with me that some people here can be counted on to deny that information and turn it into their own personal crusade.

No, but you’ve been pointed to the documentation of the software they use and given the testimony of at least three people who used to have that power but don’t anymore.

But hey, let’s ask the @Community managers: is there any forum member apart from moderators and community managers who could hide a post with just one flag?

Thank you for the thoroughly articulated arguments. There is nothing that can be replied to such a rebuttal.

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Not sure why it would need explaining but sure.

In no words, this is one of your usual misassumptions. and as I have pointed out, it’s not about me, it’s just I have a more relaxed, more tolerant view of the TOS. Sure the TOS applies to me, but it doesn’t till some one flags my post. And this is the part you don’t seem to get.

This thread proves that posts get hidden because they get flagged, not because they are a TOS violation. As I have said this thread is full of TOS violations, why aren’t they hidden? Because no one has flagged them.

More over, if a post is a TOS violation why should it make any difference if one or 10 flag it. So basically what you are saying is, if only 1 person sees a post as a TOS violation whether it is or isn’t makes no difference. A post has to have X# of people flag it before it gets hidden as a TOS violation. So it doesn’t matter if a post is a TOS violation, it matters how many people flag it as one, right?

I’ll concede that it may take more then one person flagging a post to get it hidden; because I can’t prove other wise, and use the “we all have friends” argument.

Glad that’s not me because I have never denied the TOS.

And once more

Where have I ever said that? It’s not about you. It’s not about whether the rules and regs are right and wrong. It’s not about your interpretation of the TOS. It’s about people need to discern, feel, think, be offended, feel uncomfortably to flag a post.

Jimbo are you glad I’m a nice guy with a great sense of humor that can laugh that off :wink:

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All sarcasm aside, glad the mods have let this run, kudos. It’s rather magnanimous of ya’ll.

Almost as inappropriate as people misinterpreting TOS and false flagging people. And like I said, if you are so confident in the reasoning in flagging why worry?

And what repercussions would anyone do to someone? Send threatening messages for flagging them? In that case, IF that happened, screen shot and report that offense. There is no need to do anything to those that flag you, just like there is no need to unnecessarily flag things.

Thats why I feel it best to just ignore people. Saves so much drama.

Hey, I can only speak on the matter I seen myself. How can my comment be (likely off topic) yet the same comment from another is not and I get flagged but not them? It is interesting!

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Yes, you have repeatedly said that. It doesn’t mean it’s true.

Wait, this whole time you were trying to “prove” you don’t understand how flagging relates to the forum rules, is that it?

“Why don’t posts get temporarily hidden by the flagging system until they’re flagged” is a… well… let’s just be polite and call it a weird question rather than applying any other epithet that might come to mind.

The whole “This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden” banner is literally the feature of the flagging system and nothing else. Moderators don’t “temporarily hide” posts that are against the community guidelines. They edit them or delete them. And the only way you’ll witness that in action is if you’re incredibly “lucky” to be looking at the post at the time they do it. Other than that, there’s no trace unless they leave a comment saying what they did.

The reason you need several people to flag a post is because flagging itself does not mean that the post is against the rules. Each flag means that one member of the community believes the post doesn’t belong.

The flags, as I explained in the very first post of this topic, are a signal. That’s why there are moderators involved in this whole process, because even several people together can be wrong. By requiring more than one flag to hide a post, you accomplish two things: 1) make it less likely that the post was wrongly flagged, and 2) reduce the amount of work the moderators have to do.

I have no idea. If I saw both posts in their context, I could give you my own opinion on why I think one was flagged and the other wasn’t. And that opinion might even end up being, “I think your post shouldn’t have been flagged” or “I think the other post should have been flagged, too.”

And you know what? My opinion about that is worth diddly-squat. If you think your post is wrongly flagged, there are several things you can do about it, and they all involve people whose interpretation of the situation is worth much more than my own, because those are the people who are tasked with resolving situations like that.

Once you understand the mechanics of flagging and the process involved, all claims of “systematic abuse” boil down to “the mods are not doing their job properly”. And if that’s what you want to believe, you’re free to do so.

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Well, Im not sure anyone would agree that people should say things, but rather that people indeed will troll and say things. Easiest solution? Ignore them!

Explains the reason TOS violating posts haven’t been hidden is because people haven’t flagged them. Response

:man_facepalming: I’m out.

I really hope you are, because we’re now on post 64 in the thread, and the vast majority of those posts were dedicated to your insistence that the flagging system is “broken” and “abused”, and you still have neither accepted the arguments to the contrary nor provided sufficient counterarguments to demonstrate how it’s broken and abused.

In fact, it took this long for you to either explain that what you meant is that posts don’t get hidden by the flagging system unless they’re flagged, or to start pretending that that’s what you meant, like you did with your usage of the word “job”.


That statement makes little sense to me. And I’m not pretending anything. Your family is a responsibility, not a job. The terms are not interchangeable with out changing the tone of the sentence.

It was simple. A poster made a statement (in both cases they were fairly far out there as far as ideas go) and in both cases, myself and the other person Im referring to said “thats a tinfoil hat conspiracy”. It was very simple. My post was flagged., theirs was not. Context was 100% the same in both cases.

Either way - at the end of the day I didnt care, and still dont. A simple edit or removing the post ends it if one so choses. But, it shows that there is bias and irregularities - and thats all Im getting at.

No, I wouldnt say that, I think the majority of any abuse of the system that happens falls on the community.

You guys don’t seem to understand the point both me and Taemien made…
This is not something “up for debate” and you don’t have to agree with it, it just IS.

Codemage wrote an article about how the flagging system works :man_shrugging:
The flagging system will work the same way whether you agree with it or not… that’s about it…

Here’s why though… Community moderation is biased by nature… it is tailored to that community… and that’s how it’s meant to be… a community is a collection of like-minded people interested in the same topic… if somebody isn’t “likeminded” then there’s a good chance they will be filtered out as noise… and your freedom of speech isn’t worth squat in these types of situations.

It’s designed to try and filter out controversy to some degree… so the community functions with less “parenting” from the admins and mods.

I know it feels bad when you’re on the receiving end of stuff… I myself have been there too, and you can try to appeal stuff and complain, but there’s only so far you can get.

Here’s a very simple example…
If you join a community of vintage sports car enthusiasts… and you start talking about how old cars are bad and break down all the time and you much rather prefer your new motorcycle… there is a very good chance you’ll be filtered out from that community whether or not you objectively did something bad or not…

What am I getting at?.. If the people around here think something is wrong with your posts… they don’t have to be “right”… because there’s no wrong or right (within certain limits). Just try to make better posts if you want to avoid that, or just ignore it if you don’t…

It’s just one of those situations where the most you can accomplish by “pissing against the wind” is… getting your pants wet… :man_shrugging:

There have been so many times where I typed up a long post and actually put like an hours of effort into it… and then I hit discard because I knew even if I’d be objectively “correct” about certain things, it would kick some dust up with some people.

And like I said, I don’t agree with everything either… and I had situations where I tried appealing decisions or other situations where I think my interactions with staff were handled in a wrongful manner. Doesn’t mean I’m going to blanket judge an entire system that works just fine 99% of the time…


This one is mildly amused by how much first hand demonstration of the flagging system we are seeing in the thread.
Very elucidating. Examples sometimes help where explanations falter.

That’s not really a jest.
Yes, it’s bemused and sardonic.
However, for the general audience, taking a look at the flagged and hidden posts may be very informative.

And yes, it will be a contentious issue, especially amongst some fellow 'Murikans or any other people comfortably settled into the concept of an enshrined freedom of expression.
Especially in a situation where a post was flagged for how it said what it said, rather than what it said. That can be construed as silencing the substance rather than the style. Of course, no one here would ever post hot on a spicy subject. Never never no do emotions run higher when someone cares about the topic. Ironically, setting ourselves up to be most likely to catch a flag on the very points we are most ardent about. That irony is extremely saftig.

That thwarted expression can lead to significant frustration.
In some ways, a suspension isn’t the worst thing in the world. In some contexts, it’s not being put in digital jail, but rather like that cute cat meme.
It’s time to stop posting
For our own health.
Anger can cause hangover like symptoms for this one. Especially if it isn’t released (ayesh zombie heads have become expensive). By nature, internet interactions are more fraught with opportunity for misunderstanding blossoming into conflict. If unresolved, this can lead to resentment and spite.
Carrying that hot coal will always hurt you more than it does your enemies.
But even knowing that, it’s easy to get all wound up in the moment of strife.

Eat, Bathe, Sleep.
These are good for us, and we often forget them in favour of angry typing or it’s younger cousin, doom scrolling (the kids these days come up with such clever titles). Perhaps subconsciously, we deliberately look for something to get upset about? How often do we see a post by someone we just had a spat with in another thread, and go charging off into the new topic ready for round two?
It’s not healthy.