Banners and Singleplayer mode

I debated if it was worth putting this question forth but what the hey. I thought I would take a look at the whole Clan Banner system last weekend. I am play on Singleplayer mode. So I must confess I was a little surprised that the game insisted I create a clan to access this content. But not just to build it, it seems I must be in a clan to even access the menu and browse the options. I cannot even access it in Creative Mode. Is this really necessary, especially in an Offline Singleplayer game…?


You are a mighty clan of one, @Croms_Faithful ! :smile:
It really doesn’t change anything. Create a clan and all that unlocks. In practical terms, nothing changes in your game. RP the thralls as being the other members of the gang. :wink::grin:


Hello, old friend. I couldn’t risk letting this pass without comment - please be sure to back-up your save any way you can before creating a clan. I did so to access the banners and somehow wound up in a clan but all my buildings and thralls were not in the clan so I couldn’t access them. It was probably mod related (and I was able to use a mod to fix the issue), but I wouldn’t want you to risk that just for a (frankly lacklustre) clan banner system.



My god isnt this a surprise…@DanQuixote!!! Welcome back my dear friend. I never thought I would see you return, but I am glad you did.

Oooooh crap. Now back-up or not, this sort of thing makes me very fearful and reluctant to try. Moreover when I consider that it is not so much that I reaaallly wanted a banner. But rather I was only bored and looking for a way to indulge myself with some short-term amusement.

Glad you managed to avert a potential disaster there DanQuixote. And truth be told my initial impressions of the ones I saw were closely aligned with your assessment now (they don’t even have a Crom banner! :mountain_snow: :scream:). I was just looking to stabe off boredom for a while at the time.

Damn its good you’re back man! Honestly this is probably the most positive thing that has happened on the forum in the entire Age of War Chapter 3.


I’ll be honest, for a long time I didn’t think I’d be back, but I missed old friends on the forums and am glad to find you still here :grinning:

Yeah, I knew you would be very averse to risking your base and, even though it was almost certainly through my own doing, didn’t want the chance it might happen without warning - especially for something so insignificant. (It was actually kinda entertaining (given that I knew I could easily enough fix it) I was suddenly locked in a small hut at an outpost because I no longer owned the door, and Dalinsia was starting to give me funny looks :sweat_smile:) I did make a banner in the end, but it doesn’t feel particularly personal or meaningful to me (though I’m not sure what more could really be done with the system beyond just ever increasing options - and there’s a mod that does that and I got bored just scanning through possible options, so I’m not sure that’s much of a solution…)

I get the impression from @MarcosC 's post that he may well have made a clan and had it go fine, so chances are the problem was at my end - so long as you have a backup you can return to if needed

And eventually they shall pay for their disrespect :wink: In the end, The Lord Of The Mound always gets his due…

Thank you so much for the kind words, I only hope that I can live up to them :slight_smile: It’s really good to see you still here and be able to converse again :slight_smile:


Good morning .
I would definitely not want to interfere in your discussion and your reunion, but I am coming to share my feelings about the banners and the clans in general.
-1 for a solo player, creating a clan is useful and sometimes dangerous (the clan does not recognize the player and he loses his possessions).
-2 the choice of banners is so limited and ridiculous that it is simply not worth it.

Funcom had us well with this feature In addition to having limited choices (color, background, iconnes), having a lot of theme are hidden behind the battle pass, the players cannot freely create a flag that is their own, unique and all the flags end up looking like.
So create a just clan for a banner that brings nothing with the risk of losing his possessions by creating this one : no thanks !!


It is most unfortunate that it is gated behind creating a clan.
Sadly no solitary banners.

Equally unfortunate are the meager included offerings.
This one had hoped that if we learned the faction banners in game, it would also give their symbol to be placed on clan banners. Perhaps some insignia or trim would be rewards for completing journey steps.
This one also has thought that the highest tier of a religion should teach that faith’s insignia as a banner emblem.
Of course, as there are no tiers of priesthood within those who strive, that could be the boon granted those who choose to serve Crom. His symbol, for their banners. Unavailable in any other way, as there are no teachers of the Crom religion in game (the Cimmerians at the mounds having forgotten themselves so much as to have the priests of Ymir amongst them), it is a choice at the beginning.

But no, that is not the path chosen, and the subsystem is lessened for it.


I would be royally fckd if that happened, because on the PS5 there would be no mods to solve it! :smile:


Clan banners…
Do they worth it?
Hmm, let’s debate here, why not.
So i am a person who likes banners, or emblems, or a decorated shield with my emblem on it, or a horse dressed with a royal saddle bearing my emblem…
If i am this person, yes they worth it.
If i am not the person above , no they don’t!
But it’s something you always say brother, more options is always better, so even if i try it a couple times, no cold or hot either…
For what is worth, i met people who went super excited with this mechanic, so for them and their happiness, i will vote that they worth the chance!

Welcome back bud, i am really happy to have you around :metal:, we need people like you in here, the forum is better now.

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Oh I like the idea of them, and do view them as something that could be of interest - I never really liked decorating my base with the old in game banners (why would I want my base to have Tyros the Kinslayer’s symbol representing it, for example?). But having done it, I found that it still didn’t feel all that personal - all of the options feel very similar in style, kinda muted, and like I would see the same banner over and over again if I just travelled round different servers. Not a huge problem, just not all that exciting (to me).

Absolutely - I’m always in favour of more options and things added to the game (at least seemingly low impact things like simple banners) and glad that there are some who love the result. I think I’d like to see it be something ‘more’ - though I’m not really sure what that would be.

Thank you so much for the welcome - it really is good to be back communicating with you guys :grinning:

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I treat the specific set of combat thralls I always get every time I’ve created a new game in single player as my ‘clan’. Thus, I have zero issues creating a themed clan name in Single Player. Some advantages include, clan mates not going to join some other clan on the server (because there isn’t one), I can leave my chests unlocked and they won’t steal anything and leave, no need for party chat or other players to annoy me.

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