Bench thralls not returning home and can't be found

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Other
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE-Conflict
Map: Isle of Siptah
Server Name: 6445
Mods: =MODS=

Bug Description:

Since the Age of Heroes update happened I’ve had several thralls go missing, listed in the followers list as “Returning home”. To date they haven’t shown up again, still listed as “returning home”. I’ve tried rescuing them and breaking bonds with them but neither action can be completed because the system reports them as “can’t be found”, but they still count towards my follower limit.

Bug Reproduction:

Age of heroes update created the problem without any input from me.

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I lost my Darfari Witch Doctor. Its as though she was deleted.

When you check the event log, he/she probably died, there are several threads and bug reports about this problem. Really sad to loose t4’s because FC doesn’t want to turn the option off.

Really? Your solution was to simply delete my T4 thralls rather than restoring them?

Thanks a lot, Funcom.

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