BETA - Failed to place bench

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Official
Server Type: PvP
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: Public Test Server
Mods: None

Bug Description:

Failed to place bench.

Bug Reproduction:

  1. Select bench or companion placeable from build hammer
  2. Ghost shows green
  3. Play around with height and rotation, up down, around, will not place
  4. Spam click with no success
  5. Eventually find a small little window with height where it allows placement

This happened with a stable most recently, other benches, especially playing with height this will happen. Again, ghost is GREEN.

Unable to provide a video.

This issue was pre-existing.

Greetings Kikigirl!
Thank you for reporting this issue to us!

In order for our team to properly assess your issue, could you please tell us which bench is displaying this bug?

Additionally, is this happening in any location in specific? Please share with us a screenshot of the map pointing to the location where this is occurring.

We’ll be waiting for your reply!

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It has happened with many different benches to me, but especially the larger, harder to place ones like the stables, maproom, wheels of pain.

It is very similar to this bug with placing building pieces. While there is no error displayed (also happens where there’s no error displayed with the building piece issue on occasion), it presents itself almost the same.

There is no specific location. It has happened to me in several biomes and varying degrees of terrain in the past.

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