Breaking Thralls faster

What is the fastest way to break a thrall? Do I really have to wait hours to break them or can I feed them something else to make the process faster?

I heard getting a high level Taskmaster will brake thralls faster but it would be the same thing right? I will have to wait for the Taskmaster to break?

Im confused…

Food won’t decrease the time to break a thrall. Only a taskmaster will. The first thrall I try to break is usually a tier 2 taskmaster. They’re not too rough to break, and they decrease break time for subsequent thralls pretty significantly.

Thrall crafting time, or the speed at which thralls can be crafted, is affected by the level of the thrall itself as well as the level of a Taskmaster assigned to the Wheel of Pain. The type of Wheel of Pain has no effect on crafting times.

  • A tier 1 thrall requires 3,900 seconds to break, or about 1.08 hours.
  • A tier 2 thrall requires 11,905 seconds to break, or about 3.30 hours.
  • A tier 3 thrall requires 23,627 seconds to break, or about 6.50 hours.
  • A tier 4, or named thrall, requires 92,920 seconds to break, or about 25.80 hours.

Food type has no effect on breaking time

Yes, placing Taskmaster thrall in the wheel of pain artisan slot will reduce the breaking time

  • A tier 1 Taskmaster will reduce breaking time by 50%.
  • A tier 2 Taskmaster will reduce breaking time by 100%.
  • A tier 3 Taskmaster will reduce breaking time by 150%.
  • A tier 4, or named Taskmaster thrall, will reduce breaking time by 200%.

Thanks, now I have a tier 1 breaking a tier 2. Im on my way to find a higher one so I can start looking for Named thralls.

Thank you for letting me know the reduction times for each tier.

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