Can you change it so we can possible to occupy a thrall spot, camp?

After we killed or enslaved a thrall spot. Can we please make changes to occupy it? Obviously, if we occupy it… they cant spawn. If we want them to spawn again… we can remove our building. Also can we have difficulty where cant open up the same chests again?

There is a toggable option to build ‘anywhere’ in the server settings, no-build areas were designed to stop NPC camps being cynically despawned.

Obviously this will not be possible on officials, but if you are playing on a private server of your own , or just single player, you can build anywhere you want by activating this setting.

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where do you activate this setting?

Admin settings

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To clarify, you have to go to settings. Under the [General] tab you have to click the button Make Me Admin. Once you do that scroll down the tabs to [Building] and check the box ‘Allow Building Anywhere.’ Enjoy!

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