Can't Desert gutter be built? I can't find any information

I hear that people get banned for building in desert gutter, but I can’t find it. It’s true?

Can you build in it for the style of play (assume pvp) without breaking TOS is the better question.

One thing I remember about gutter is that anyone that builds in there build massively with near lagging amounts of work into it. I know folks blame location a lot but fail to mention the 100 gate doors or the 200 torches or the 345 chests.


But then the exact rules for the number of gates and torches should be spelled out. I’m a solo player, I built a base there, I don’t understand if I’m breaking the rules or not. It’s not fair if I get banned if I don’t understand exactly the rules of the game

A good number of people that have gotten time outs have said the same thing.

In my opinion if it is a ToC violation to build some place it should simply be a no build zone. I’ve run in to quite a few players that think if they can build there is must be ok.

Ask the 3 people that have gotten time outs for building on Telith’s island on the pubserver I’m on. Last one hasn’t been gone 2 weeks and some one else has already started building there.

The island is a POI with 2 POIs and one of the 2{?} bear cub spawns on the map. And people just keep building there.

Stop myself there because most all forum regulars knows this is my pet peeve.

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Agreed. That’s the right answer in any game.

If it were up to me I would just take POI’s out of consideration entirely. They aren’t really that important to the game and anything that is important is already a no-build zone.

They’re just noobtraps for those servers.

And here we go.

Seriously do I need to remind you about PVE? Where the completionists play. The POIs are there for a reason even if they are under used or just there for color.

Important TO YOU.

No, they literally have no function outside of an icon lighting up. To which can’t be prevented without breaking several other rules.

You don’t do much PVE completionist stuff do you?
More over you do know there are some POIs that require interaction to count, right?
Or do we have differing definitions of “POI”?

This is a great example, again, of why some rules need to be on PvE servers, and NOT on PvP servers.

@alekkirill If someone wants to build there after youre there, or they are upset that they unsuccessfully attempt to raid you, or if they build close enough to you and cant finish their build because of your land claim, or if its a player thats good at taking pictures of their interpretation of the ToC, you can and likely will get reported.

At that point its up to Funcom, but they dont have a foggy clue what they are doing, dont know how to evenly enforce the rules along all reports, and heck, even let hackers and cheaters play while banning people who build. So, playing on officials is a risk. If youre up to taking that risk, build away. My opinion? Build, play the game, have fun and do some raiding!

Its all proven facts at this point buddy.

Could try designing the base so it doesn’t interfere with the POI

2 problems with Gutter, both of which are described already:

• preventing others’ from benefiting from the POI
• building too many graphic intensive placeables causing server instability

Gutter can be an extremely defensible place in any game mode, whether you’re protecting yourself from PVP raiders or PVE purges. There are a total of 6 entry points; the 2 main openings and 2 holes on top of either entry.

But it is a very large area and if built in it’s entirety with all the fixings, including hundreds of chests and torches as @erjoh has pointed out, will cause major lag for any venturing near and rendering it.

Another mistake is in wanting to make it as safe as possible so players tend to extend so far upwards and outwards, that they prevent other players from benefitting by discovery the POI.

So take care with those two considerations. There is no guarantee though as the system and policies behind the ToC and Zendesk are a mystery and at most times very unfair.


You can “unlock” the Telith’s Island discovery from across the water. I wasn’t even trying on the latest server I’m on, was just riding on the northern shore to go towards the Black Hand camp and, poof, discovery unlocked.

There are at least 3 guaranteed baby bear spawns on the map: 2 there, up to 4 babies on one of the hills overlooking the road to Bjornar’s Stand, and another spawn point at the end of Riversend. And that doesn’t include the random spawns the sometimes happen instead of a full grown one.

Yes, unique things shouldn’t be blocked, like the information kiosk on Telith’s Island, but the island itself shouldn’t be a complete no-build zone either.

Hello, i will bring you up to date on the current state of the rules beeing enforced.

We build in a cave on siptah.Because we were winning the fights against other clans on the server.They reported us and our clan got a 14 day suspension for it.Its allowed to build in the cave,its not blocking anything that cant be walked around(yeah literally, you dont even have to climb to get around it.)
Anywhere you build can be reported, you just have to report it over and over.Its called the “report meta” Pretty sad but thats conan exiles.Its easier to get a entire clan banned then a blatant speedhacker.


Yeah, and while you are correct, it won’t matter. When they updated the ToS in November of 2021, they enshrined reporting as a tactic, no matter the game type.

I suggest looking for a private server. It’s the only way I can stand to play this game.


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