Can't play ONLINE / OFFLINE - Failed to login!

Game mode: Any
Type of issue: Connection
Server type: None
Region: None

Since hours or so i can’t connect to server or something, can’t play ONLINE or even OFFLINE, restarting does not help. There’s shot of error: error (Failed to login! Please restart or try again later.)!

  1. Run game
  2. Can’t connect (Failed to Login! Please restart or try again lager)
  3. Can’t play ONLINE / OFFLINE, restart does not help
  4. Profit… No?

Same issue here

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■■■■■■■ Live, what a grand thing.

Edit: wow never knew they were such snowflakes they would censor the word fail being added to com.

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Yeah… not working here either. :frowning:

Now suddenly when i wanted to play OFFLINE, coz of crashes / cheaters running around with full 50 stats, can’t even play it single-player. And we have 2 weeks without patch.

I have the same issue. Is there an ETA on a fix?

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Having the exact same issue right now

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same here.

(This is for sure the hotfix for the battleeye kicking)

And this game is really not EA?

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Having the same issue here. Tried many times and won’t connect to Funcom Live Services.

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Same issue here

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It seems to be working now.

It took many tries but finally got it to connect.

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Yesterday I had this problem, forced Steam to verify the game files and the problem is gone. There was no problem today either.

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