Carrying Treasure & Mob Response

I’ll be honest, The reason I still play Conan five (5) years after launch is that the basic game mechanics are enjoyable, for me.

A lot of the dynamics that have changed over the years fall into the category of:

“Fine, I’ll adapt.”

The swan dive emote introduced in AoW chapter 1 was cool. A 100% rebate from pulling up, most, building items is awesome. Being able to move placables, very appreciated. The ability to up or downgrade a building piece, this was welcome. But most of the changes fall into that, “meh.” category.

Then we have mobs attacking us to steal our treasure.

I love this. I love that there are different mobs and they can get harder. I love that they appear and attack from different direction. I appreciate everything about this dynamic. It was actually fun and added to my gameplay.

Well done.




What I appreciate is the scalability of the new Purge. Those who want the game to be harder now have the option to trigger a level 10 Purge, without the feature instantly wiping out more casual players who may settle for a level 3.

At this point it does feel like a tower defense minigame glued onto Conan Exiles, but it’s still a vast improvement to the random purges we used to have. Especially since the Purges didn’t really purge anything, like they were originally meant to.

The one mistake I made when I started to build my new honeytrap for the Stygian army - I forgot NPCs can now swim…


I wait to be bigger and stronger.
I expect a war like it’s promised.
This chapter will give us a taste, but we need to play and give feedback about it.
Your whole posts represents me, thank you @Pugilist.
@CharlotteCummings, welcome to the forum :+1:t6:.


If war is coming then i want it to be epic
From one corner of Conans map to the other
I love a good fight
If and when war comes i will be waiting.

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