Climbing issues after patch 1.40 - Please report here

@kells reminds of a true movie mountain climber get stuck in cave. Hallucinations finally had to break and cut off hand above wrist he survived. Black Hands have a nice hook. Hang in there.

It does not yet, as it is not listed in the patch notes.

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Server official #3099
location pass, removed the rock climbing, and how can you get out? we are full of loot, starving, developers, solve our problem … server administration, pull us out. !!!

Any idea when ithe patch will be available on console? Stuck in the passage

It’s still on certification. Should be out in a day or two depending on how it develops, although it could take longer due to unforeseen circumstances.

I’m new, I’m guessing my body and items won’t last that long?

Day 5 in the Passage:

Everybody wants a happy ending, right? But it doesn’t always roll that way. Maybe this time. I’m hoping if you play this back… it’s in celebration. I hope families are reunited. I hope we get it back, in somewhat like a normal version of the planet has been restored, if there ever was such a thing.

God, what a world. Universe now. If you told me 10 years ago that we weren’t alone, let alone you know to this extent… I mean, I wouldn’t have been surprised. But come on, you know. That epic forces of darkness and light that have come into play. And for better or worse, that’s the reality new players have to find a way to grow up in.

So I found a private area to record a little greeting in case of an untimely death on my part. Not that death at any time is ever timely.

This hotfix thing that you are going to pull off… it’s got me scratching my head about the survivability of all this. But then again that’s the hero gig. Part of the journey is the end. What am I tripping for? Everything is going to work out exactly the way it’s supposed to.

I love you 3000.


Day 1: We set forth for the frozen north, preparations have been made and I am assured our expedition wil lead to nothing but sucess.
Day 2: We find ourselves trapped in this infernal pit, Crom has surely forsaken us, I fear our expedition is doomed.
Day 3: Everyone is starving, some of us are without water.
Day 4: Two of the men went to search for water and found only spiders, the search party managed to find some meat though at least the men won’t go hungry.
Day 5: A thunderstorm. Some of the men have taken a fever while some of us feel our strength returning quickly, perhaps we will find a way out in the days to come.
Day ?: During the thunderstorm some of the search party were found poisoning the wounded and ill, apparently the meat was from our fallen comrades. The ensuing battle attracted nearby spiders. I am the only survivor. May our fallen serve Crom well.
Day ?: There is no light save for the burning ships. My eyes have adjusted to the darkness and I swear I can hear the whispers of my fallen comrades in the clicking of the spiders.
Day ?: After beating several of the spiders to death and covering myself in their entrails, they have accepted me as their warchief. Tomorrow I shall lead our forces into glorious combat with the sand reaper, for the Horde must feed.

clickclackclackclickchitter chitterclickclack chitterchitterclackclackclack chht chk-k-k-k-k-t.


What a stark testimony. You shall be avenged.

Anyhow, the patch is still in certification but it is possible it will pass it during the day so we can release it tomorrow.
Thanks for your patience again.


@daemon that was well done.

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Game mode: [Online]
Problem: [Bug]
Region: America

I went to the passage to go fight the boss, Beat the Boss got the sandsurge piece but try to climb out of the cave and I can’t climb out of the cave and now my character is stuck in the cave can you guys please fix this bug!!! Playing on my PlayStation 4.

Steps on how to reproduce issue:
1.Need to climb out of the passage

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how about letting us know about this issue on the main menu news and not letting us find about it the hard way and losing all the gear we got on, i dont have a thrall/pet with me and theres no way to build down here (the passage) now ill have to lose my solspeil shield because of this

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On Official Server #3731 PvE.
Chiming in on climbing issues:

  1. Also noticed I can’t climb many surfaces in the Temple of Frost; so far I’ve not gotten stuck & died but been able to hop out.
  2. Definitely some new areas in the Unnamed City that are now longer climbable, specifically many of the square towers that support the remnant broad road ways. This is a problem as one can no longer avoid some of the bosses your uber tough thrall can hew down (with some arrow help) BUT mostly because there are fragment & treasure chests that are now unreachable.

I am sincerely curious here: How did the 1.40 update that broke everything make it through certification, but the patch to fix the patch has been waiting 4 days now?

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Thanks :slight_smile:

Game mode: [Online |
Problem: | Bug | Performance | Misc]
Region: Europe

Hello I just rented a server. There are a few issue one no players can seem to climb lips on mountains it just forces us to drop of after testing it’s defiantly a climb setting. If I hang on the edge of the ceiling and press back to climb up onto the top it climbs a little then forces me jumping off backwards. Also animals chase for far to long what setting do I need to change or fix (mainly the mountain climbing issue) also is there a place I can get a copy of official server setting so I can mimic thanks

[Free text]

Steps on how to reproduce issue:

  1. Climb
  2. Try to climb a lip
  3. Fall
  4. Rinse, repeat

Go on an official and look through the settings and snapshot them.

In game server settings don’t show all the settings available at the g portal settings page I tried that, the issue is with a setting only accessible via g portal, thanks for the input tho

Your climbing issue is exactly what this thread is about. As you can read, the patch to fix it has not been implemented for PS4 pending Sony certification. Maybe today.

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Stuck in the passage and lost a bunch of gear. As well as I had a tier three shrine with 130 zeao just dissappeared saying lost stability… Is there anyway yo get my stuff back?

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