Climbing issues after patch 1.40 - Please report here

Game mode: [Online | Singleplayer] Probably Both
Problem: [Bug ]
Region: [EU]

The walls in The Passage (thats leads from the Jungle to the North) are suddenly non-climable. So either you die when jumping down because you can’t latch on and slide down. Or you’ll die eventually because you can’t climb back up.

Steps on how to reproduce issue:

  1. Go to The Passage
  2. Try to climb any wall

Edit: I’ve experienced this on the ‘north-side’ of the The Passage. Might not be on the south side making it a one-way passage but haven’t tested this yet and since this wasn’t the case before the update I’d imagine it’s the whole passage that has this bug.

The Game mode: [Online]
Problem: [Crash | Bug | Performance | Misc]
Region: [Everywhere]

I go into the cave The Passage and can’t climb back out.

Steps on how to reproduce issue:

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14GB update to break the game worse than before the patch :joy::joy:


The passage is buged cant climb up from both side… server 3020…
I don’t want to die… and craft all eq again… Is there some way to get out.

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Hey everybody,

Quick heads-up: this issue has been fixed internally and will be released as a part of a hotfix that covers other critical issues as soon as it passes certification.

Game mode: Online | pve
Problem: Bug
Region: LATAM
Server: All

Hi! Have notice of hotfix? I’m stuck on passage cave…

Game mode : Online | pvp official
Problem : Bug
Region : LATAM
Server : 1979
Stuck on The Passage cave…

Like so many others! Do I have to give up on this character at this point? It’s been 3 days with this same bug!

I’ve been stuck in a cave for three days, unable to check my base, feed my thrallls, anything. I’m fairly certain i’ve probably lost everything since i’m playing on official. please help!

Day 4 in the passage:

Is this thing on?

Hey, community.

if you find this recording don’t feel bad about this, part of the journey is the end. Just for the record being stuck in a cave with zero promise of rescue is more fun than it sounds.

Today’s day 4? No, uh, 5. You know, if it wasn’t for the existential terror of spiders, I’d say I’m feeling a little better today. I befriended a skeleton named Wilson. Oh, you would love him. Very practical. Only a tiny bit sadistic. Food and water ran out two days ago, oxygen will run out tomorrow morning… and that will be it.

I know I said no more surprises, but I gotta say, I was really hoping to pull off one last one. But it looks like… well, you know what it looks like. Don’t feel bad about this. I’m mean, actually, if you grovel for a couple weeks… and then move on with enormous guilt.

I should probably lie down for a minute, rest my eyes. Please know, when I drift off and be like everything lately, I’m fine. I’m totally fine. I dream about you. Because it’s always you.

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Any idea when there will be a fix for this problem. I’ve been stuck in The Passage for s day now. I can’t believe some people have been stuck for longer!

Give us specifics on when we can expect to return to playing the game

Honestly, how easy would it of been to launch a banner when we log in to warn us not to go into any caves. Your aware of the problem: did nothing to warn the community, so you wouldn’t have as much issues. Instead you do nothing. You don’t reply, your unbelievably lazy when it comes to what your doing and you except people to want to buy your content: hmmmm. LAZY. Uninstall

Lol still no replies. Beyond LAZY. Continue to show how much you appreciate the people who play your game. It’s amazing

No replies to what? I’m also pissed that I’m stuck in a cave with no way to climb out, but posting hate here won’t help. Besides they can’t just upload the patch and call it a day, since it has to go under Sony certification.

No I think some hate here is exactly what’s needed so worry about yourself little man. 2. Yes they can, blizzard does it all the time.

Lazy company with lazy devs. Facts.

It’s just irritating because they said 2 days ago that they had a fix and still haven’t released the hot fix. I haven’t been able to play the game for 4 days now because I don’t want to remove my bracelet and lose everything

Same, I’m still stuck on the frost temple. Hopefully today we’ll get the patch on PS4 as well.

Hey everybody,

Quick update: we released a hotfix on PC that fixes this and other critical issues introduced in the latest patch. The patch was sent to certification that same day, so it’ll come out on consoles once it passes that process. You can take a look at the patchnotes here:

Does this include the god protection fix?