Collision on server does not match client

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Other
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: =SERVER NAME=
Mods: *Pippi.pak *DyeMoreBetterer.pak *NorthernTimber.pak *HorrorDecorations.pak *GothicDecorations.pak *Pythagoras_Support_Beams.pak *Emberlight.pak *QoL.pak *StacksizePlus.pak *BetterThralls.pak *StylistPlus.pak *Beyond_Forge.pak *EveryPurge.pak *LFS.pak *immersivearmor.pak *AkubaSalon.pak *ModControlPanel.pak *LBPR_Collision_Update_Add_On.pak *UnlockableContainers.pak *No_Building_Placement_Restrictions.pak

Bug Description:

Collision on the server does not match client. If you build near cliff rocks, the game treats these unmineable terrain rocks as grass or trees and removes them from the client eventually, but the server still thinks a collider should still be there

Bug Reproduction:

Play online, build near a cliff with mesh rocks, not just terrain cliff, come back sometime later and rocks will be missing and you can not walk through that area


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