Combining/picking up Corrupted Savage Horn and Ghura the Hunter horn destroys the latter

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE-Conflict
Map: all
Server Name: all
Mods: none

Bug Description:

Picking up a combination of Corrupted Savage Horns and Ghura the Hunter horns (completed Corrupted Savage Horns) will destroy the latter.

Bug Reproduction:

  1. Log into Official Server
  2. Place Corrupted Savage Horn (with ticking timer) in chest
  3. Place Ghura the Hunter (completed Corrupted Savage Horn) in same chest (or inventory).
  4. click “Loot All”
  5. Observe how hours of hard work disappears

I suspect that it has to do with the timers being combined, and the Ghura the Hunter horns have no timer and are somehow cancelled out/destroyed. Other unexpected behavior also occurs when combining/splitting Corrupted Savage Horns with the timer. Honestly the timer on the Corrupted Savage Horn is a very poor idea since it is just setting it up for bugs. Considering that this item is the “final reward” for a very long chain of events it is beyond frustrating when the item just disappears from your inventory.

Honestly I am so sick of these bugs and hastily and poorly implemented content. I just lost SIX Ghura the Hunters - which represent a ridiculous time and effort investment - to this particular bug. I’m absolutely furious. FIX THE GAME instead of adding more broken content!

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