Composite Obsidian / Well of Skelos

Has anyone any tips on how to use the forge in well of Skelos to produce composite Obsidian. The NPCs there hit so hard, that when they all team up on you, it is insta death for me.
Makes this the hardest thing in all the exiled lands

Don’t use it.
Dismantle the obsidian weapons dropped by volcano votaries.
You will have ample of them to craft a whole set of obsidian tools in a single run.


Switch to warparty- use zerkers or dalinisias

Focus on strength bonuses -by the time your done your zerkers/dalis should be a natural 40 or close to it

Equip with legendary weapons , and epic armor heavy- strength

Get the recipes behind the main boss down there.

Once you have the recipes, obsidian bars drop in warmakers.

Master warmaker dungeon first and skip the arena champion.

Youll never go back down to the volcano again aside from the challenge to keep yourself and thralls alive.

I used to put some obsidian to cook in the forge and then proceeded to do the dungeon, to farm for the sword of champions. That is a nono now for me. I think the difficulty in there is just too high, compared to other dungeons

Balance has never been great in this game, but all decisions from the past year or two have made everything worse. The reality is that obsidian weapons and tools are useless. By the time you are able to craft them you will have no use for them.

Killing the NPCs at the forge is easy with epic gear and a good thrall or two, but when you’re at that point you’ll have no good reason to visit the forge.

This. Go down kill the geriatric snake dude, and get the recipes and then after that, deconstruct the weapons and tools you murder robbed the goth Hare Krishna for.

The only time you should be going to the well of skelos, once you got recipes, is to farm the short sword of the champion.


The thing is, the loot on corpses in the well is ok. I used to farm Frost Giants, but since they nerfed their loot table into oblivion, them dropping only ise and black ice, it is pretty useless. So I turned to the well of skelos, but didn’t remember the npcs there being that strong, that they killed a lvl 18 Berserker in full +strength damage and legendary gear with well trained perk in 20 seconds.
It somehow is a big mismatch to the rest of the npcs

Commit war crimes. Use gas arrows. The Geneva Conventions don’t exist in the exiled lands.

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I periodically go there to help newer players do the dungeon actually. Apparently it’s one of @Marylambs favorite dungeons too, so she’ll join in sometimes. I’m all for her getting out and doing stuff in the game.

On a side note, you should have seen me trying to dive off the very top the last time. I hit the very edge of a bridge on the way down and splat my skull. It was both sad, and hilarious.

:rofl: but I’m sure your form was awesome

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