Coming back to Conan Exiles primarily after a few months away, and now on PC instead of PS4. So very much like a lot of the changes that brings.
Still love to write fiction based in Robert E. Howard’s ‘Hyborian Age’, and was looking to see if there was an interest to start a regular fiction thread here? Mostly to share stories, and also exchange feedback among each other.
Why not? I mean, the community did have a writing contest last year, and we have some art in written form on this forum too.
That said, I’m not sure about a “regular fiction thread”, as it implies the need to post regularly, and if the rest of the folk are like me, “irregular” is the best word to describe my writing habits.
I have been toying with the idea of writing journal-style shorts similar to those found in the game, based on my character’s journey in the Exiled Lands.
I like the various snippets you find in notes across the Exiled Lands. So it is a good format for sharing snippets, even irregularly.
I would guess a regular thread would just mean tagged, and named, and done monthly, with no expectation, just thread for sharing works as people write them.