Cute gorgeous bunny

Guys do anyone knows if the white bunny is going to come back as twitch drops? I really need one, in a server there are some white bunnys but I can’t tame em.

Gente, alguien sabe si el conejito lindo y hermoso blanco volverá a ser un drop de twitch? Realmente deseo tener uno, en un server hay algunos y los puedo recoger pero no puedo domesticarlos


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In all honesty, the only Twitch drop ive ever seen come back around is the Watcher armor, everything else has been a one and done kind of thing. Sorry

Is it possible for someone with the Twitch drop to tame a white bunny then drop it from their inventory for you to pick up?

I can on xbox. But I’m not sure if you can place it in the world

I can help you with PC (steam) version.

Its not coming back

Even better I can no longer create and share one with other players

When monetization is done wrong…

I don’t care about the FOMO part but not even being able to trade it with other players which was possible before they changed it is scummy.

Don’t even know what I do here I’ve given up with the game my bases decayed and its been a long time I even looked at the game since they mutilated it.

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I think there is a decent probability the rabbit comes back around.

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