Dedicated server launcher failed to start game server

Hi everyone i recently started a conan exiles server for my friends and I using the dedicated server launcher, my issue is when I click start server it loads and then comes up with this error

“Failed starting the game server located at C:\Users\danwo\OneDrive\Desktop\ConanServer\DedicatedServerLauncher\ConanExilesDedicatedServer\ConanSandboxServer.exe, got error 5”

I’m not sure what the issue is and I cant find anything to do with error 5 on here or anywhere else, I know the server works because I was able to start it straight from the start.bat but id like to be able to use the auto restart function in the launcher.

any help would be appreciated, thanks.

Has it ever worked? It might be the long path. If I remember correctly, it was recommended to use as short path as possible.

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