Demon Lord Demons and Call of the Dead Zombies and Yezud Spiders do not attack purge attackers

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Isle of Siptah
Server Name: =SERVER NAME=
Mods: =MODS=

Bug Description:

Demon Lord Demons and Call of the Dead Zombies and Yezud Spiders do not attack purge attackers

Bug Reproduction:

have Corrupted Authority to max for Demon lord, or spawn zombie using Sorcery Call of the Dead, and then start a purge at a Treasure Coffer. They will ignore all attackers, but will still try to attack the guards in the camp.

Unfortunately, a lot Sorcery’s uselessness seems like a feature and not a bug. Funcom really doesn’t seem like they want you to use it.

Just need enough people to +1 it and they’ll fix it.

I tried to fix it in the dev kit, but it seems to be tied to purge npcs, my guess is that the “temporary” allies you summon as seen as Wildlife, and Wildlife ignores purge npcs, excluding the Guards.

Oh, you sweet, summer child…

Okay I was being snarky but like…I really don’t think they’re going to fix it. There’s a lot of problems with this game, and this is a long running, but ultimately small one concerning features they’d already nerfed into the ground.

But good on you for going into the dev kit and looking at what the problem is. Perhaps you can make a mod to fix it yourself? That doesn’t help people on officials, but it can give something to players who would like to use these features. I’d be your first subscriber, since I, too, hate that they made those features useless.

I was also planning on fixing that myself, but that will be a much, much larger mod with all kinds of things that other players may not like but I think are cool. And I haven’t even begun to figure out how yet, so you’re ahead of me on that. I think you can do it.

Consider yourself lucky, because using demons or summoned zombies in the purge
crashes the server every time for the rest of us.

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