Developer Stream Recap: June 21st, 2022

Look Funcom if you want to listen to the monetization guy you hired and make battle passes never be able to return and spite the community that plays your game if their taking a break or couldn’t finish on time then you do that. You can take money over humanity because its your game. But between me and you I would of been willing to buy every battle pass because i love decor and cosmetics.

But seeing that right now you’re learning towards “Fear of Missing Out” Tactics which many consider inhumane and evil I will more than likely not buy a single battle pass if not completely look for a different survival game to play. Their are several already out there with ARK 2 going to be a big release with at least another several coming out within this year as well as the next.

I’m just one voice of many and I know our individual voices matter not to you. But I hope you realize that good faith and dedication to the long run can be surprisingly more beneficial than short monetary gain. Coming from a player who bought the base game and expansion twice for a close friend as well as every dlc so far out of love and support for the game and the passionate dev team behind it.