Disable screenshake

Please add an option to disable this. It is actually making me nausous. This has been suggest time and time over again. Why isn’t this adressed? It’s sooo easy to add an option to fix this in Gameplay. This goes into the same vein as FOV and motionblur.

Also, having a 7 day decay time on threads, making it so that people can’t reply on excisting post and threads on the matter is very very very bad customer service. And causes thread bloat. You can do better, Funcom.


Still being unable to disable screen shake after asking repeatedly for literally 2 years, was a major reason why I gave up on Official servers and started a private one.

Even ignoring how unrealistic and ridiculous the notion of screen shake with a 3rd person camera is, it blows my mind that a simple health and accessibility issue could have such a low priority in today’s world.


Yeah, it’s beyond annoying. I’m hoping we can get this thread some traction and keep it going


Yeah, I would love to have that option. I hope funcom add the option to disable it.


Totally agree,screen shake,too much darkness,motion blurr,etc are completly useless features.Everybody hates it.The small 1 % who like it is because they just wanna disagree to disagree.


It doesnt need to be fixed, it needs to be removed from harvesting. They could add a option to toggle it on/off for combat and thats it. People have asked for YEARS to fix/remove this feature, nobody really cares about it, Im yet to see somebody request they dont change it and keep screenshake because it adds immersion. Funcom has proven to be incapable to address some of the most important costumers requests.


I can see times where screenshake is nice to have, but yes. Ofcourse - NOT when harvesting. To be honest, I’ve yet to see Funcom even comment on it.

Please disable screenshake. It’s awful and gives me a headache.


This is an interesting observation, I havent seen either and I play this game since Early Access.

It has to have an explanation and now I would like to hear it. We are talking about something that has been criticized for years and not a single player has defended this feature yet. Anyone from Funcom mind to talk about this?

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I have no clue either. But I play modded servers almost exlusively, and I had forgotten about the screenshake. Was messing around on a PVP server, and yeah… that screenshake is fine where it belongs (explosions and such) - not when i’m standing still popping a pickaxe.

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I would really like to see this option. Most days I don’t mind it, but some days it really bothers me. I’ll get nausea and headaches. I can’t imagine what it’s like for people who are really sensitive to those sorts of things.

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@Cynn coughs


Is there a mod for PC that disables screenshake?

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Yeah. I have only started noticing screenshake recently but now it keeps happening that my screen is shaking and then stays tilted. Only way to fix this seems to be relogging which isn’t always a good idea on official pvp.

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Yes, the mod I use is called Stabilise camera. Additionally, the Age of Calamitous total conversion mod does this as well (from what I hear).


Correct. AOC disables it, thank god.

But every now and then you may want to play without AOC.

We should NOT be depended on a Mod for this.


Im stuck on console so I cant even use mods, little issues like this should come first. I would go grinding materials without looking at my screen for a while, the headaches were awful especially that I already have medical issues with vertigo.


Im here just to add that I too am getting nausea from the screen shake while mining, chopping wood, etc.
Just a on/off would be ideal for resolution.


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