DLC content not visible after Update 3.0

Basic Info:

Platform: PlayStation 5
Issue Type: Graphics
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Server Name: #3049

Bug Description:

Graphics of DLC content are no longer visible. Buildings, Armors, etc. are invisible…

Bug Reproduction:

Loading the game after Update 3.0 multiple times, as game had crashed and frozen.


Im having the same issue… my base is all invisible. Its making the game unplayable…

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My base, deco, and armor are partly visible: building pieces of various styles are invisible (Nemedian walls is showing but not the Stable foundation). No comments on my thralls who only have heads due to their armor being invisible…

In all my years of gaming (including the debacle that is known as the Sims 4) this is The Worst Update I’ve even seen. I’m speechless…

And the items of the Battle Pass are a joke. I won’t even react to the points of the challenges…


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Greetings FreymuthX, kc5gjn and MotherOfGamers!
Thank you for reporting this issue regarding the invisible structures and items.

Our team is already investigating it as we speak!
Please keep an eye on our forum for further details and announcements.

Thank you for reaching out to us dear gamers!

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I have seen where you guys said it will be fixed with the next update… do you know when that might be? this game is unplayable for me until then

Same issues on our servers.

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