Game crashes when approaching Sepermeru

Basic Info:

Platform: Xbox Series X
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 2008

Bug Description:

Game crashes to xbox main menu when approaching Sepermeru. After this, it keeps crashing indefinitely on login.

Bug Reproduction:

Approach Sepermeru

It seems crashes are related to Encounters as you know.
It also seems that the servers (atleast the ones I play on) did NOT perform their regular nightly restart today. This may result in encounters still being active?

Same on server 1136 encounter still active???

Had that crashing problem on day one of the update. You can start walking blindly as the game loads, and I was able to log in eventually -south of Sepamaru, being attacked by a rhino. A new spin on the “this is fine” meme?

Just fyi the servers (atleast the officials I play on) did restart last night, and encounters are finally disabled. No more crashes, but still plenty of lag, rubberbanding and other oddities.

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