Happy end of year celebrations

Hello to all my brothers and sisters in the Conan Exile community. I know it’s a bit early for that, but I would like to wish you happy holidays. I sincerely hope that this period of festivities will bring you and your loved ones good things and happiness. I would like to take advantage of this post to also wish the Funcom staff and their loved ones the best for the coming year.

The year that is ending has left its mark (good and bad) but we continue to hope for the best for Conan Exile, its community and its developers.

@AndyB @Caroll Even if your presence on this forum is rare and sometimes the contacts with us make the teeth, I wish you to be heard and to bring Conan exile where it must be: the summit .
Hope we are many years in our favorite game.
Good feasts to all.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
to all the Conaners here and the community/dev team.


Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas :santa: :christmas_tree:. Have a great New Year’s :+1:. To all the Exiles out there :grinning:


Greek traditional sweets for Christmas…
Kourambies ( κουραμπιέδες)

Melomakarona (μελομακάρονα)

Merry Christmas and happy new year to all.


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