Honest thank you to funcom

That’d be great if it worked as intended. @Croms_Faithful has explained in detail why it doesn’t in the past.


Says by someone who clearly doesn’t understand nuance.

If an admin currently allows “build anywhere” it includes places like Sepermeru, Shaleback Hollow, the Unnamed City, dungeons, etc. IE places that include actual content. Which is completely different than a POI that is literally just a pop up and a map marker.

Making POIs into no-build areas so private servers either adhere to this (requiring anyone built in these places to move) or making them turn off ALL building rules doesn’t make things better for everyone, it just flip-flops who is currently inconvenienced.

If they’re going to do this, finer tuning in the server settings would need to be implemented if they want to improve the experience for their player base at large, instead of just a single subset of them. And, unfortunately, there are things that are more problematic that should take precedence over adding functionality to server settings. And until they can do that, it should be left alone.


Like hackers and exploits, and overbuilding that violate the ToC and drag the server down for everyone. PVP and PVE.

My point about making POIs no build zones is stop players from being banned for building on a POI. But I guess you’d rather people just get banned out of the blue and start yet another thread about getting banned for no reason. My suggestion about nobuild POIs, it’s about protecting the player, not the POI.

If you can get banned for building over a POI maybe make it clear you can get banned for it, or just make it a no build.

I don’t care if you build over a map point, some completionest might, funcom seems to, so made a rule. That is the thing, it is clearly a rule and one you can and many people have been banned for. Some even refusing to learn the lesson.

I’m simply suggesting if you can bet banned for building there make it a no build. That isn’t for me, that is for players that innocently, don’t realize they are building some place the could get them banned.

I’d be whiling to bet more people have quite over surprise time outs then not being able to turn off no build.

It’s been demonstrable that solely building in/on POIs is not the reason they’re getting actioned on and I linked the proof from staff.

So this “solution” isn’t going to create the suggested result to the degree it would make that much of a difference and only make it harder to build on the map for everyone and especially difficult for SP, CO-OP and private server players. Which is heaven’s point.


Once again someone on an official server that I play on has had their base deleted. They were devastated and filled out a bug report not realizing that it was admin deleted and that they would be banned after server restart.

Like I said before, at this point this slow motion train wreck is more entertaining than the game itself.

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Land claim flags.

Flags, hearts, centers, whatever you want to call them (Palworld’s are pal boxes lol)… just not sure what you mean and how it relates to POIs?

One issue is POI covers a lot of ground.

Obvious POIs like villages, caves, dungeons, cities, ect are no builds. A determined person could wall them in but competition prevents it more then the ToC; in my opinion.

Then you have the lore stones; which there are more of then people realize.
And the notes, emotes, dances, recipes. Which I’m sure is of more interest to people then the notes scattered around the map.

Then you have map locations, of no use to any one except completionests and people that get lost easy and use the map a lot. Points of reference as apposed to points of interest.

And you know I’ve been pushing the land claim flags hard, most POIs would be just that, a point. That point would prevent you from laying down a land claim over it.

But this does present an issue at choke points that can be blocked. No I don’t think an open gate makes it ok. All it takes is a feud, and doors get closed, and some one trys to wall you in for it.

I do not keep up with server drama, but still have to deal with it :wink:

Definitely! If i wouldn’t visit this forum and learn so many things through the years, i would probably build the same way on official servers. This player used banners, others are using lamps. I am pretty confident that these pve players don’t understand the performance damage they cause. Their logic is that since the game allows it, it’s a valid way to decorate. I believe that banners creating performance issues since they have wind animation.
My whole point is that this “violation” may be unintentional and if this person get banned will never understand the mistake he-she did :woman_shrugging:t4:. That’s another reason i am not happy with the system we have already!


It’s really hard for me to believe that individual isn’t aware of what all those flags will do. What other point is there to spam flags/banners like that?
It’s like the disco lighting, there is a specific way to set torches to do that, it’s not really something done accidentally.


If you know personally this individual, then i cannot argue my dear friend and tbh your console (pc) rarely have ignorant players, so i agree with you.

There’s a typical mistake all the “professionals” do! All the professionals think that all the “others” understand their job and anything about it, which is wrong. It was the first marketing lesson i took years ago, our costumers need clarity but not unnecessary details!

So be sure that many console players do not understand what they do, nor they intend to crash servers. They play in consoles, understand the essence of the game and care not for these details. They play with the (silly) confidence that devs have prepared the game 100% for everything.
Which is not true, is it?


Wish I could argue with that.
It’s a me thing I’m sure. I see no logical reason to stack flags; and this is just an example, like that other then to lag players or the server. You know I can give multiple examples of things players have built that seem only to be for causing lag, either on GPUs or the server.

Not about to report these because old GPU. But just how many radium lamps do you need? One generally lights up an area pretty good. I usually have to dye them light gray or cimmerian blue to tone them done. Is 2 dozen on a maproom; hate that term, too many?

No it certainly isn’t.

During my short lived tour of PVE NA servers I learned a few things. Servers run wildly different one to another. Inevitably there is 2 or 3 players that think there is no building limit, and are dead set to prove it. And all too often there is that one player that just wants to ruin everyone’s game.

And the one thing that could fix all that is an over haul of the report system and active admin.
Ya, I expect them to fix all the legacy bugs first :mushroom:


Still accomplishes the same caveats.

An entire overhaul in multiple systems would be required not limited to ensuring that the settings toggle for build anywhere works as intended.

I’m totally for establishing such a system and adding upkeep to it as well. Could drive engagement but as with everything Conan, most of us are crafty and would figure out how to game it.


Why? Do you play on a console? Because on PC, it’s not hard to find people with top-notch hardware that won’t break a sweat rendering the scene you showed.

Decoration. :man_shrugging:

Me too, but that wouldn’t eliminate the need for rules and admins, nor would it resolve the problems people have with server moderation.

You can’t solve people problems with tech. You can help people organize better or do things faster or whatnot, but until you have AGI, you can’t solve problems that stem from people being people.

Take for example the idea of adding no-build zones. Would it help? Yes, it would. It would make a fraction of players stop and think “hey, I can’t build here, maybe I should think about what I’m doing”. Others would view it as an annoyance and simply build around it and enclose it.

Similarly, a claim flag system – or any other form of building limit – will put a cap on how much you can build, but it won’t stop you from blocking unique content or harassing other players by abusing the claim you have. Just like you said, people would find ways around it, some intentionally and others by just not giving a shіt about other players.

The problem with the server moderation isn’t that it needs to go away and be replaced by some magical tech. I’m not gonna go rehashing what the actual problems are, because we’re already 100+ posts in this thread, so it won’t do anyone any good. Funcom staff won’t see it and most people who got this far won’t change their minds.



Doubtful for proper moderation though, we’re being ignored for less and treated worse and worse as the days go by.


Oh, definitely. Despite what community managers keep telling people, this game is definitely not on Funcom’s mind at all.

Actions speak louder than words, but at this point, the absence of words is deafening. They were “planning a Q&A or something similar” for June, and it’s been almost a whole month since then. If they can’t be bothered to even say “hey, we’re postponing that Q&A we mentioned because we’re short-staffed”, expecting big changes to important things like server moderation would be wishful thinking.

It remains to see whether this is temporary (because of Dune) or permanent.


Oh don’t worry, there’s plenty of players on pc that are ignorant too :rofl:

I agree. Looking at the picture - they have spent a lot of effort to line up the banners really carefully. That feels to me more like someone that is trying to decorate in a way they like, and not someone who is trying to cause problems for others. (I might think that is too many banners, but they might like the look.)

I’m not so sure - you might be right here, it’s certainly possible, but it could also be innocent attempt at decoration as stelagel suggests. If I hadn’t spent so long on these forums, it probably wouldn’t have occured to me that banners or lights might be more resource heavy (like I said, there are definitely some ignorant players on pc :wink: )

Those sweet summer children :rofl:

And, in terms of effect, I would agree. It’s just that I can conceive of innocent (ignorant) reasons players might do this as well. You are fairly well-educated on these things, but there are plenty of players that have no knowledge of it at all, and might just think they are being decorative - just think of some of the arguments you’ve been involved in on here - some players just lack knowledge. To me, the building itself looks unnecessarily large, and I like to build quite big (one of the reasons I don’t play on public servers…). I do think players should read the ToC a bit more carefully and think about what they might mean - but, realistically, we know many players don’t ever read those sorts of things. (Simple example - how often have we seen Neebs Gaming click through dialogue/story in games while complaining it’s boring, and then not know what they are meant to do next, because they didn’t listen/read it?)

I was right there with you when the ToC began, arguing that ‘no build zones’, ‘block limits’, ‘claim flags’ were all flawed and easily abusable, and that human admins were the only fair system because they could make judgement calls based on the specific situation. I still believe we were correct, but I am coming round to the idea that some form of claim flags might be the best of some poor solutions. It’s clear that human moderation is not up to the task (at the level Funcom is willing to employ). Of all the options, I’m starting to think claim flags might be the most successful - certainly still abusable, but at least that would (in theory) reduce the number of offenders, and then human admins might be able to respond faster to those that remain.

There’s still a lot of other problems with claim flags as a system - how exactly they should be limited etc, and how to take account of clans vs solos vs singleplayer, the different needs of PVE, PVE-C and PVP etc. A lot to hash out, and I wouldn’t exactly be willing to rely on Funcom ‘doing it right’, but I am slowly coming round to the idea, at least a bit.


Still no response from @erjoh 's comment or my inquiry as you probably are aware.

Very disappointing.


They did post on other social media making direct statements that they are not going into maintenance mode.

They then stated to some of the content creators that there has been no moving of staff from Conan to Dune for the Dune crunch.

This is not to countermand your statement, but rather in support of the value of words…


And, of course, words have meaning. But meaning can still be manipulated or obfuscated. Take, for example, the statement that there has been no moving of staff from Conan to Dune for the Dune crunch. If we assume that this statement is true, there is still plenty of room for other elements. Have any staff been transferred to Dune for reasons other than the Dune crunch? And how many staff members have left Conan for other reasons and just not been replaced? (A slow reduction of team size, without ever ‘transferring’ anyone.)

Of course, the answers to such questions may be the same. It might just be that loose use of language leaves the door open to such questions, when the intent was to state that the Conan team has not reduced in size (or, one might hope, skill). But equally, it might be very precise use of language, intentionally conveying exactly what it meant to convey. Corporations routinely employ these tactics (as I’m aware you well know) - with the greatest of respect for AndyB and the Community team, that is inherently a part of their job - their role being, in part, to present what the company wants presented in the most palatable and positive forms they can.

In the end, we can glean at best limited information from any corporate statement (just as from politics), because the whole ‘genre’ is tainted by the bad actors, and by the good actors doing their job well…