Horse riding issu

Game mode: [Online official server |]
Problem: [ Performance]
Region: [EU]

[My horse act werd when i ride. The issu start when the horse are in full speed becouse it stop all the time. And i trye to dobbel tap on T3 so the horse wil go in full speed agen, but no. Hi kinda stop…And in the wate the horse use 30 min from A - B. Normal the horse use 2-3 min. ]

Steps on how to reproduce issue:
1.Trye to ride a horse at full speed
3.Trye to dobbel tap st T3.

Hi @evomik82, did you start having this issue after the latest patch?

Does it occur with any horse and saddle type?

Does it also happen in singleplayer?

I have trye one other horse. This horse whas fine.
Havent trye in singel play. Becouse its lookalike the issu is withe this horse onley. So the onley options i have is a sad storry, i have to take him to the butcher :sleepy:

So if this is a issu thet wil appear regulary funcome soude look in to it.

That’s quite odd, have you tried swapping saddles or having it fight, and did it persist after a server restart?

Also, please let us know if you come across the issue again.

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