I seriously need some advice here this is getting out of hand (trolling on official server PC 6436)

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Enough you have harassed me enough do not interact with me in anyway shape or form again.


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And yes you did fence me in stop trying to play the victim. You are doing the same thing here you did in the game trying to make it one sided, and your friend who wouldn’t remove your fencing in foundation spam tried to deflect any kind of blame for it by throwing up his military service in the chat. You took it above and beyond, and have harassed me both in game and outside the game for almost 2 weeks now. I have had enough you are not the victim and you have caused enough damage already with your spam. You have made it so that 5+ people on the server no longer speak to each other and having a friend come into the server in an attempt to keep it going is pathetic. I told your friend the other day that I thought a 3 day would have been good enough but after seeing you continue to keep it going both here and outside of the game in general as well. I think a game wide server ban for 14+ days would work wonders. You continue to spread stuff that tries to paint you in the best light possible of the situation, and guess what if you weren’t fencing me in and spamming foundation funcom wouldn’t of banned you for it, and if you don’t see anything wrong with that I can see why you haven’t been banned on other servers because no one had the guts to hold their ground and dispute it.

Me, waiting for the mods to close this thread:


I currently main this server and it has been under DDoS attack for the last 1hr and 15mins and still going, after all this drama crap… you guys are gonna ddos the rest of us? lol

Wow, and they say pvpers are toxic lol. Am enjoying the s…t show as well.

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I’m not DDoSing anything I’m playing other games enjoying myself I think it’s clear who the culprit is yet I was the troll, and no one wanted to believe me and even CodeMage said he didn’t think they were able to do this. I think funcom needs to give them and that Charlie guy that joined the server the other day game wide bans.

I just logged on and wow I can’t believe they went that far as to DDoS a server Jesus Murphy. I tried to warn everyone they were bad news including telling other people on the server they had people coming to cause more drama. It’s funny that this only happened TODAY after that Charlie person was online yesterday pissed that they got banned and now today when they find out all their stuff is going to decay on that server it gets DDoSed? This is pathetic and for someone who claims to have served a country in the Military really mature. I hope funcom bans them both for good from this game. I don’t condone this kind of stuff and I was right when it happened last week then. I had a targeted attempt to kick me offline multiple times within them coming online.

almost at two hour’s now :confused:

I was seriously playing GTA Online for the last 4-5 hours. I had no idea this was happening and it’s pathetic. I warned everyone on that server they were doing shady stuff outside of it, but I was painted as the troll and this proves my point. They were nasty vile people in local chat and they are nasty vile people outside of the game. I want nothing more to do with any of them, and I swear to god if any of my personal information gets leaked I know exactly who did it and I will seek legal ramifications.

I’m not guilty of anything I was in the process of moving out in the middle of no where when they kept harassing me both in game and outside of it. IF you really believe both parties are in the wrong I really hope you never are the Admin of a server or a moderation team. I made every effort to compromise and get away from the drama and they kept it going.

And this is why I plan to rent a private server in the future this community is Toxic and one sided as well. Being threatened outside of the game is not being a Drama Queen for bringing it to light that these players shouldn’t be trusted, but whatever you say you certainly don’t mind keeping the thread going either.

I plan on staying active on official servers door is gonna stay open I’m afraid sorry :slight_smile:

Dude, the stuff I’ve seen on PVE(-C) servers… :nauseated_face:

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Y’know, I can imagine :joy: I can almost imagine the mentality, too. I don’t have any direct experience, naturally, being a single player person, but I can see PvE(-C) being a melting pot of more casual PvE-rs who are cool with the idea of teaming up for the occasional raid or just generally like the idea that during very select times, not all times of the day, that PvP can be enabled, and PvP-ers who aren’t into the hyper-competitiveness of straight PvP but still adore the idea of messing with people and their bases. They probably see the PvE-ers as easy targets and it probably brings out all sorts of feuds and vendettas…Kinda like the one in this thread.

But again, this is me talking out of my backside. I’m quite happy with my offline experience :relieved:

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Ya know, I rarely speak on here, even more rarely to chastise anyone. But good gods above. Both of y’all are acting like absolute children. Is it really so hard to sit down and be civil? Is it really that hard to make small compromises so that everyone can be happy? And then to bring it on the forums here and effectively put on a three ring circus show for the gods and everyone to bear witness to, it’s absolutely shameful.
Is one small spit of beach really worth all the crap and ball-ache y’all have went to up to this point?


I’ve moved on but they are keeping it going including now having people attack the server. I’m taking a break and just stopping decay at this point going to play other games with less !@%@@%! in it.

Please read the following post and create a Zendesk Ticket.

There are instructions in the post on what is needed in the ticket.

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