Imposible enter pve oficial server 3060


Platform : PS5
Game : Conan exiles
Server: pve oficial 3060
I’d : bujujux

Good morning,
I have Benn trying a lot of times to enter to pve oficial server 3060. And when is in charging screen, the game crashes.

I have reinstalled the game, I have reinstalled the licenses and I tried removing all data of the game from the ps5.
But the game crashes every time and I can’t enter to the server.
I can enter in other servers, the problem is entering in Pve 3060 oficial.
Please, help

Same here been trying on 2 different ps5 systems sometime I can get in but instantly crashes. Pls fix this.
Update: got in my base removed bracelet. Spawned in another base. No issues. As soon as I come near the desert area ( not nearly at my base) it crashes again…

:brazil: servers ps4
Olá… @Community
Já informou o suporte ZENDESK sobre o problema? Recomendo :+1:

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