Invisible Statues near Waterfalls when teleporting Xbox Series X

Ah okey because i have a strange walking bug when you try to slowly move forward but in other directions it works and if you spin joystick forward after going in another direction you move slowly but normaly walking slow forward makes sprinting animation instead of slow walk xD

i reported the bug hope for more fixes :stuck_out_tongue:

Bye have a nice day! Thanks for the answers! 3

Another question: does this happen to you when you try to walk forward but slowly? in any other direction it works to walk slow
Greetings and thanks🙌 3 2

Had it happen once or twice at the start of Chapter 3

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For me its permanent… thanks for your help✌🏼

Same here mate. You need to start really soft until it catches the walking animation. Then it keeps it unless you push the stick further. I am so used to it I don’t even notice and, truth be said, I’m always running anyway. :smile:

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Really? if its on all platforms then they will fix it faster:)
I like the Female slow animation but see it only when over encumbered xD

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Who doesn’t? :smile:

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Impatient people

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Nice one👍

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