I’m having a hard time knocking out npcs. I play on siptah and we I encounter the black the black hand. I’m unable to knockout the sorcerers and some of the thralls. Is the concussive bar broken around these camps?
So one of the new rewards is a truncheon, however, thralls can’t be knocked out? Brilliant.
Wasn’t having any issues an hour ago, but that doesn’t mean it’s not happening.
Well, I have encountered it with the black hand on Siptah.
The Black Hand camps “The Spit” and “Sipho’s Shipyard”, the NPC’s there are not taking concussive damage
Haven’t been over to Siptah yet. I’d say edit the first post to include the layout / information they want. Not sure when their vacation starts but that needs fixed asap.
Greetings Exiles,
Thank you for reporting this!
Can you let us know if this is happening in official servers, private servers or in single player?
If you can, please, add a video where we can verify the reported behavior as well.
Ok I encountered it on official 7050 around sipho’s Shipyard and the spit.
In software development there are many different paradigms of testing. Here’s one. The developer challenged with performing a task understands the context of what they are working with and tests not only the goal of the change, but the aspects of the product that might otherwise be impacted, before and after their change. Then they prepare adequate instructions for a QA team to understand the scope of the work performed.
Other developers performing code review and acceptance have a chance to review these guidelines and the work. Sometimes they might choose to run such things through a test. QA departments also should know their product and generate potential edge cases that might be impacted by the change in question.
Then there’s this topic called regression testing, such as having one or more of everything out in the world, or performing actions over and over release to release looking for unexpected changes. Sometimes this involves placing new elements into the world and comparing with the prior instances.
Developers or QA individuals could actually be players as well, exercising the product in the manner which the entire audience would.
I can’t imagine not testing any of this class of NPC such that might have missed this oversight.
Yes official servers are having this issue too
Official server #6155 PvE Conflict
This has been going on for a while now can we please fix this? I had a video but the forms don’t support the format and I’m not sitting here for hours ■■■■■■■■ with it.
The Ashen Core area in the Island of Siptah is confirmed with the issues I try with six different throws in the Consciousness bar does not deplete one bit even after two minutes of heavy hits with a love tap. The thralls were teir 1 and 2 with cloth armor.
I am on PC
8 out of ever 10 npc camps cannot knock out npcs, on Official 6437 server siptah !!!
Siphos shipyard has issues on official server 7056
This is happening on PC as well. I recently decided to reinstall and setup a private server on my LAN, and none of the Sorcerers or Black Corsair NPCs at Tillerman’s Watch (Siptah grid C6) take any concussive damage.
Example: https://youtu.be/oM1vd9SCoV8
Pippi, Fashionist, Emberlight, LPBR & AF, MCP, Exiles Compass
Happening in my Offline Singleplayer game on ps5 as well. All Black Corsairs I have attempted to knock out on the Isle of Siptah will not yield to the blunt force trauma. Though I cannot say if the same peculiarity applies to the Exiled Lands at this time. I will check into it the next chance I get.
Ps- welcome back @Larathiel!
How is this still not fixed after being reported in June? It is gamebreaking.
Vacation and the fact that the game is on the back burner. I believe they’re only updating every six months now.
I understand people feel this way, just as they feel devs are being given Dune work, However, it is a misrepresentation.
In Juneish were were treated to a couple of instances where the production team acknowledged they had done poor work and bad communication, and they promised us they understood and would do better. Part of the response included a slow down of the release cycle to make certain items released actually worked.
They still don’t.
The current beta would be a dumpster fire if it were substantially better. Nothing highlighted as a new feature works. The quest system is easily broken with no way to reset a quest except deleting your character. The Living Settlement system results in thralls disappearing in the mesh and causing game crashes if you try to access a bench to which they were associated. Thralls disappear off the wheels. And all the old bugs are still present, most in a less stable way.
This issue with NPCs being unthrallable is being ignored because it is not important to the production team. Siptah is not important.
The bugs that make the game nearly unplayable are not important because that is not what the production team is being judged on by their management.
It is not a plot. It is not a plan. It’s just a crap business decision.
I can’t grab the text I want for whatever reason, but slowed releases is what I mean. While I’m glad we have a new community person that has poked her head out a few times and understand why they’re limiting patches it still feels like the game is winding down.
Got it.
Sorry for my misunderstanding.
English is a b*tch and harder to convey through text. No apology needed.
Further edit: It’s also easy to forget everyone here isn’t American so some of the idioms come across as nonsense.