Is this game always this screwed up?

Ok where to start? I started playing about 2-3 months ago. Fell in love with the game due to the building and just all the stuff to do in game. Sooo I bought every DLC , Invested in battle pass and also purchased several bazaar items. Well over the last few weeks this game has become a total shit show. The prisoners bed I purchased won’t take an avatar just acts like a regular bed by updating my spawn point. The building sets have ridiculous clunky interaction . The inventory management was completely changed for the worse . Lagg is sometimes completely unbearable making the game unplayable. Stuff seems to disappear from my inventory. And now I can’t even get onto a server I have dedicated so much time and effort into. This is the reason I finally made an account here to speak up. Like is this game always this screwed up? If so let me k ow now so I won’t invest anymore $ into this complete shit show. I’ll just take my losses and move on. Thx for hearing my lil rant community . Sad really because I really was starting to get into this game and could see playing and investing more into the future. But it has become more of an aggravation then actual fun to deal with this game anymore .


People always whined and complained every time Funcom has ever changed anything. However, the Age of War has been a special time when it seems most people agree that many of the changes being made are not particularly beneficial.

Of course, many of the issues are also just bugs, like things disappearing in your inventory. Bugs that will eventually be fixed. Bugs are a completely normal part of game development. Yes, every game from Pong to the latest AAA release has bugs.

The game isn’t always THIS screwed up, although in comparison AoW it hasn’t been as devastating as other updates. But rather then an instant “OH CRAP” destructive update, it’s more of a big change to the menus, their use, and item sorting. Seems to effect some people much worse then others and is dependent on what you play on and how you play.

I can assure you funcom will fix the worst of it before the next age is dropped and we do this all over
again. But there are a selection of legacy bugs that have been in game for years funcom seems unable to fix.

If you want to continue to play Conan you need a thick skin, be able to roll with the punches, and have more patience then any developer deserves.

Most of the long term players here either hate to love the game or love to hate the game.

You’ve already invested more then you aught to have; in my opinion. The bed is an example why, you were not at all satisfied with it; items in the bazaar are dropped broken regular, and you aught to be able to get a refund. But you can’t.
I refuse to shop anyplace with a buyer beware policy. I’ve bought all the DLCs as well; and when they dropped, I bought the first battle pass; no need to pay for any after.


Been playing since it dropped, got close to 7K hours in. Have quit a few times only to come back after finishing some other game.

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Well no. At the beginning they startet pretty weak, but they droped their level very quick.

t.b.h I have feeling like they try to fck up the game from inside. For some reasons they don’t adress bugs, but instead doing features nobody asked for, that are totally untested and full of bugs and doing instead super fancy Bazar where you pay money to get a beatifull pillow for your castle where you keep faling through the ground.

The last Update was the most fckd up one of all times. Idk but right now the game is unplayble, I just log in every week to see if they rolled back the horrible shit they did, but no. Not yet. Let’s wait an other year I guess to see if they manage to fix most basic shit or they focus on colorfull pillows and maybe fance chair, where I will sit for hours (pretty sure…).


this game have been an incredible game in past and only needed few fix and game balance and new content, but what is done for 3 years now destroy it piece by piece even if lot of content was added (and not all is to throw in bin), but changing all just for the reason of: i change it because i want to change it = the road of death for a game. you develop a game for players (customers) not for yourself.

and the main problem i see is there was no more a line producter onthe project that care about players/product, because that normally a line producer that manage artist and tell yeah good idea, or hem are you sure, seem to be a very bad idea to change that. so i don’t know a lot but a know the one onthe project actually don’t do this job. and if i say that is because i am a line producer in cgi animation feature film or tv animation serie.

To answer the main question: mostly.

Like others have said, AoW presented a new level of bugs and system changes. It has made it almost impossible to play for newer players that may not understand the workarounds and very difficult for veterans.

It is a beautiful game. Unlike no other.

“Potential” is really all it had. It could have been an extremely successful title, hell it brought Funcom out of financial ruin and still has an almost predatory loyal fanbase.

We can and have speculated on the reasons and you’ll see some apologetics but it’s being handled so poorly.


Used to be way worse. Especially in the 2018 timeframe.

No- some folks are just terrible at adapting.

Way back in 2006 i accepted the fact that when devs change something itll break something else - just a fact. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt.

Nothing more to add.

The game being severely screwed up is absolutely the status quo, although the past year the team has really taken it to the next level. I think they are pushing for gold at the upcoming Bad Game Devs Special Olympics.


Yeh this game seems to be really screwed up. It won’t let me log into a server I spent the last two months on. That’s just BS. No biggie if it were a F2P game BUT I have spent rite good money on this POS and it’s quite frustrating. The videos you see on YT do not show the true nature of this game . Perhaps I should make one to warn others before doing like I did and investing a sum of money into a game that you can’t even play ……This is just BS !

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Yet again you seem disconnected from most players reality.
AOW saw some of the most crazy bugs ever:

  • most player base get banned because of crom coins
  • crom coins still not refunded properly for many
  • siptah perma crash in many areas in many of the chapters causing many people to lose their base in officials
  • nemedian decay bug causing lot of players to lose their stuff, never got rolled back
  • thrall decay timer bug where they had to roll back cause most people lost their thralls
  • two invincibility glitches
  • at least 3 dupes that lasted weeks
  • at least 2 warp inside other peoples walls glitch
  • at least 3 ways to kill other players thralls in PVE
  • at least 3 ways to raid peopels base in PVE
  • etc, etc ,etc

Sorry Deacon I don’t know in what server you play but I want to join it because it appears to be paradise man.


compared to AOW chapter 4?

you are SO WRONG…

My bad I meant chapter 4. There are people carrying on like this is the worst update ever, and you gave a list that proves it isn’t.

I didn’t have any of those issues, but I don’t see them as any less devastating for players.

I’ve been playing from the first day of early access.

This is the worst I’ve ever seen the game.

I like the new purge, I like how the new battle pass works.
Those are the only two good things I can think of in AoW
The rest is pure rubbish.


There was a lot of crashes, random deaths from the environment, a bug that could crop up saying your character was dead but they weren’t causing disconnects that required MySQL editing the map database to fix (you couldn’t get on long enough to recreate character even). Thralls instantly died from pretty much everything (bug or not). And even if you could get on without bugging out, crashing, or falling through the world, there was nearly only a third of the players we have today to play with.

Well I have been able to play through all of the buggy updates with little to no issue with direct gameplay interactions with NPCs, building, or general content of the game…sprint toggle has definitely been an issue to play the game for me and most console players so my personal experience is the exact opposite. AoW chpt 4 bugs were dire compared to all others since 2019, IMHO (perspective).

I would say this update is definitely in the top 3 (or bottom?) of worst updates due to the control changes and the bugs with controllers.

There was worse updates though and I think those were ones where the game simply wouldn’t even start up. I think for xbox? So I’d personally rate not being able to start the game as worse than not being able to toggle sprint or moving objects around with janky controls. Even though the current update is pretty damn bad for controllers.


I’ve got to agree with erjoh and droch-aon - past ‘bad’ updates have largely not seemed that bad for me (luck maybe), while chapter 4 (and chapter 3) has been pretty much the worst for me. Different experiences for different folks I guess.

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I have been playing since right after launch - I agree.

Additionally, the last two Test Lives/Beta were so bad, I stopped playing.

My standard practice has been to start a new playthrough with each Testlive/Beta release. so, stopping playing takes a high level of frustration because I prefer the game pre-level 60 more.

I was used to Testlive being down for weeks at a time, and I do not enjoy the solo game, so when the standalone server app became available, I started using it and it has been great, until the game code sucks all joy from the game.

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