Legendary weapons (from chests) are now USELESS

Suffice it to say, legendary weapons should be unique without outclassing crafted weapons. They should each be viable in their own way

Weapons that poison: Already existed even before Venom Infused/Feroxic, but some more wouldn’t hurt.
Weapons that Bleed: Nerfed into oblivion when they reworked bleed. Should be reverted, IMO
Weapons that cripple: I’d be down for this. A mace that cripples on heavy attacks sounds neat
Weapons that sunder: A Two handed axe and a one handed axe would be useful here
Weapons that corrupt: Already exist, but that’s not a bad thing. Mordlun is neat
Weapons that remove buffs: Cleansing, if I remember right. Or is it plundering? I can’t remember.

Weapons that do other stuff: We already have the one that makes the target drunk, one that heats the target, one that chills the target (i think). What about other stuff? We’ve got sorcerery now, so there’s gotta be some cool stuff. Like one that blinds the target (Darkness spell) would be neat

Thing is, I don’t know what all has happened in Conan after 3.0 (Work-Life balance is out of whack for me) since I haven’t played in a while, so I don’t know if these weapons exist anymore, and if not, then I’d like them to come back with some new upgrades.


Bs. It’s better for you, maybe, @CodeMage . How about letting other people decide what’s better for them, eh? I would prefer higher dmg legendaries (a change easier to implement) than nothing, which will be what we get if we ask for complex stuff. They have enough on their plate as it is.

I am. I’m expressing my own opinion about this balance. And many others are expressing similar opinions, too. You’re literally the only one here who told someone else what to do or not do:

So if you can’t live without slot-machines, that’s your own thing, and you’re free to talk about it until you’re blue in the face.

Maybe they do, maybe they don’t. Like I said, they’re the ones who decide what to prioritize and how to implement solutions.

My opinion is that we have way too much RNG grind already. There are those who happen to agree with me and are saying so. I can only hope that Funcom will listen :slight_smile:

So why wouldn’t we want legendarys to be at least on par with crafted weapons/armor? I don’t see how rng would matter tbh… you can still opt out of grinding for them. From a pvp point of view it would be nice to see some variation in kits.

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I’m just being reasonable and realistic, @CodeMage . You are being utopic. I wish that wasn’t the case, as I would prefer unique legendaries, with some extraordinary effects, but I don’t want the optimal to block the good. Got it?

The possibility for bugs in the weapons you want is high. Funcom has a lot to fix already. A way to improve legendaries would be to increase their dmg at least. You oppose to that, fine. I think it’s silly, but ok.
Most of the changes we want are nothing but a pipe dream, sadly.

I prefer having higher dmg lgendaries than completely underwelming legendaries. You can keep dreaming, if you like.

“At least on par with crafted” means that many of them will wind up being the best in class. I find the claim that you can somehow “opt out” of grinding for the best-in-class gear a bit disingenuous when it comes from a PVP player. If PVP really worked like that, I doubt we would be seeing so many complaints about meta du jour every time Funcom changed something.

There was a fairly popular video by Ceronesthes outlining what’s wrong with PVP in Conan Exiles, and many of the points in it were met with approval from what was the PVP community on the forums back then. Pretty much no one disputed his point on “barriers to entry” in PVP.

Now we’re suddenly seeing a vocal minority claiming that adding more barriers to entry would be okay.

Yes, variation. Not an endless cycle of buffing X until it becomes the meta everyone screams about, only to be either nerfed back or obsoleted by Y.

If it’s nerfed, you’ll hear screaming from both PVE players who are sick and tired of that, and from PVP players who enjoyed that meta.

If it’s obsoleted by something else, you’ll keep hearing complaints from people who are nostalgic for X and can’t just let it be not as good as Y.

Give us variation. Make a legendary item be a better choice for some situations and a crafted item of the same kind better in other. And hopefully make the situations that call for a legendary less common than those that call for crafted, so that people don’t have to add yet another thing to their list of yak-shaving preparatory busywork.

EDIT: What really adds insult to injury is just how ridiculously low some of these RNG percentages are. There’s really no excuse for some of the low values you can see in the DevKit. “But then everyone will have one” is not a justification, either. If you really want to limit how many of X can be on the same server, that can be implemented in code. If not, then everyone will have one sooner or later, so why should it matter if you can get it in a couple of days instead of weeks or even months?

At any rate, that’s just a side rant, really. The game should captivate you by being fun. For those who think slot machines are the pinnacle of fun, I hear Vegas is really fun this time of year.

So basically… no matter how its done… there is no winning.



I struggle to see how “slightly” improving weapons that were once great should add any difficulty to entry. Wouldn’t it make it easier? Go kill 5 bosses and your bound to get a weapon or go farm all the necessary materials, run the necessary dungeons and catch a t4 blade smith. I still see no reason why you shouldn’t be rewarded by winning the “lottery” imo.

We are talking about buffing unique hard to obtain weapons and armor. We all all aware of the Heavy handed nerfs that consistently happen. Many complain about them and then say “why not ask for a buff” well here ya go… it’s been asked for a long time now. Let me be clear in an ideal world just buff them to make them a little more worth going for. Right now what’s the point of running unarmed city or opening any chests on siptah? Really no point at all… it’s essentially making a whole area of exiled lands pointless. It used to be a hub for player vs player interactions.

They did this on dayz actually and due to the amount of players hording loot and keeping it on alt accounts the sever then became dry of end game loot all together.

I’m not to invested in this since it’s been stated many times before and nothings changed. That’s the forums for ya.

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Naturally you and anyone would struggle. The first thing I do when I leave the noob area is farming a legendary. Boss spiders or hive queen reapers are guarateed legendaries at any level. All you need is a pair of daggers and some stone. With a legendary, at least you have a fighting chance way before being able to craft end game gear. At least your bite has teeth.

A cool feature they could add to legendary weapons was dmg being inversely proportional to your level. The higher your level, the smaller the dmg bonus. This would be a way to reward low lvl players for their courage and giving them a chance against higher level players. In the end, legendaries and top tier crafted would be about the same. It would have to be properly designed, so the chances of it ever happening are slim to none…

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It wouldn’t, but that’s not what you said. It’s either “slightly improve legendaries”, or it’s “make legendaries as good or better than crafted”. Pick one and we can discuss it :slight_smile:

And this is why I don’t believe you when you say that you want them made “slightly better”. There are several items in the Unnamed City that are well worth having right now. Even some of the skeleton-key chest drops are worth having, although they’re few. I can’t talk about Siptah, because I stopped playing it a long time ago.

So if you really don’t see any use for anything in Unnamed City, that tells me that you want them to be at least as strong as the crafted weapons, which is essentially a request for Funcom to chase their own tail: “nerf X, it’s OP”, followed by “why is X useless now, I miss the days when it was good”.

They aren’t so far behind. At least many of them. You are playing with words.

There is, actually, but it’s an unpopular opinion: accept that the game keeps changing all the time and that Funcom keeps adding new stuff all the time that makes old stuff obsolete. Enjoy the obsolete stuff if you can, when you can, while you can, for whatever reasons. Even now, there are reasons to enjoy some of the items people keep calling “useless”. :wink:

But since that’s too unpopular, the next best thing is to ask Funcom to give us some variety, instead of just appeasing one half of the crowd and making the other half scream until it’s their turn to be appeased.

Are we in the same thread?

If they’re “not so far behind”, then they’re not “useless”, and there’s no desperate need to “revitalize them”. If anyone here is playing with words, it’s you.

Like I said, pick one: either you want them slightly better but not “as good or better than crafted”, or you want them to be “as good or better than crafted”.

Until you stop moving the goal posts, I don’t see why I should play your game and keep chasing them.

You caught me I’m lying :lying_face:

I’m really just talking about weapons here and as a whole. The majority are paper weights.
Sure there’s some armor pieces that give decent stats(wheather/night vision ect) and even some decent weapons well really just the reach of the red mother is all I can think of atm. I wouldn’t count shields as weapons but one for heat one for cold both not needed in mid-late game.

Legendarys are a cool element to the game but it’s not living up to the hype.

I’m not sure you understood what I was saying. Maybe re read

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Nah, its not unpopular thats how most MMO/Online games work. The next content comes out, old stuff is outdated and grind starts again. Like yays, I finished my t60 PA armor… and now we have T-65… XD

Its pretty normal. Some games try keep gear around and let you keep it and upgrade it. But then your just grinding another item…often way to many of item to keep old weapon/armor upgraded.

I don’t feel LI’s are useless. Being able drop world boss and get one of ones you need. They are so blasted good early on. And most of content is scaled pretty good, so there still Great. There not Meta.
But there still DAMN good.

Them making Chest not be lv60, was such a Great Change. It open a fudge ton of gear for people willing hunting rare boss that spawn, or taking out world boss.

It feels a gap that was needed. And it helps levit some of grind for parts to craft alot of stuff you can make.
Thou, on live server exp rates are so blasted high, or lv60 in no time, little reason to mess with mid content.
It really only effects lower exp gain servers and some odds and ends.


I explicitly wrote at another post in this same thread that sometimes we speak hyperbolically to emphacize a point and, to be fair, legendaries aren’t ever useless. These were my exact words. You either missed that post or deliberately ignored it to prove your point. Either way, you’re either inatentive or just want to make your case, no matter what.
When you are at end game, it’s almost pointless getting legendary weapons. You are swimming in resources. You can craft better weapons. So they become "useless’, in a way. I would never call Yog’s touch a useless weapon. Or the reaver axe, the adventurer’s blade, the uninteligeable mace, aja’s bane, the papyrus sword, etc, etc. But they are definitely outmatched, which is a shame. Legendary weapons are legendary not because there’s a legend about them, but because their quality is legendary, their tier is legendary. This is shared and accepted parlance in the gaming sphere.
You have your pet theory that legendary weapons are better just as they are than if their damage was increased, lacking better, but unlikely to be added, benefits. Let me tell you what I think about your stance: it’s ridiculous. You come up with that slot machine comparison as if people liked the grind. Out of touch idea, if I ever read one. People don’t like the grind. They do it because they have to. If the reward is better, people are happier. When it isn’t people are less happy. Everyone likes surprises, so when you open a chest and you get pleasantly surprised, you feel good. When it’s not, you feel disappointed. But almost everyone would prefer less rng. Some people would dispense with it, entirely. Maybe a small minority, a very small minority, is addicted to gambling behavior, yet you seem to base your whole idea in the premise that people like the “slot machine” system. It’s absurd and nothing that I’m aware supports it.
All in all, you inadvertently or deliberately miss THE CONTEXT, in which it is said that legendaries are useless, a hyperbolic expression freely used and dependent of it. Nobody thinks a legendary mace is useless if compared to a stone one.
So, please, spare me the lecture and the condescending attitude. It’s beyond tiresome by now. It’s not people who are moving the goal posts. It’s you who are being blind to the context of a clearly hyperbolic expression.

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I don’t know where this compulsion comes from, honestly…

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It can and has been done that way. Truly powerful weapons have historically been nerfed into uselessness.

And I don’t really care if it stirs the pot or not, but you can put a big fat “Thanks PvP” tag on how that’s been handled. But there is a rather vocal PvP crowd despite this combat system having minimal skill based combat mechanics.

You think there is no skill involved in pvp?

Look who’s talking :rofl:

Seriously, dude, just because you said you don’t think they’re useless, it doesn’t change the fact that you keep moving the goal posts, and replying with non-sequiturs.

Except they aren’t. I mean, the armor pen on the Yog’s Touch alone makes it a great weapon. It might not be best-in-class for all situations, but it’s definitely one of the weapons I seek out every time I make a new character.

And this is why I replied “look who’s talking” above. I already addressed that before. Maybe don’t go around berating people for the same things you do?

Yep. I totally agree with all of that. So why would you ask for Funcom to put their existing slot-machine mechanics back onto everyone’s critical path? Why should we have to play more slot machines to make you happy about whether a particular word – legendary – means exactly what you expect it to be?

Only the people who are asking for the obsolete slot machines to be essential again. In other words, people like you.

The context is clear, and I’m not ignoring it.

I’ve agreed several times on this thread that it would be nice if Funcom tweaked the legendary items to make them more attractive to a wider group of players, but I just happen to disagree with you on what they should do and whether it’s of critical importance to do anything.

So I understand the context while disagreeing with hyperbole itself. The hyperbole that you, yourself, are pushing, by insisting that they should be boosted the way you want them to, otherwise they’re “almost pointless”.

You berate me for supposedly ignoring your arguments while ignoring my argument that making these legendaries better than craftables will make our gameplay even more RNG-dominated, you arrogantly insist that your belief that Funcom can’t make legendaries more relevant in any other way makes your proposal about boosting their damage and armor penetration the only right solution, and then you accuse me of being condescending.

At this point it’s pretty clear that you’re just going to behave the same way you did before your old forum account got banned, and to be brutally honest, I didn’t enjoy that at all, so I don’t see why I should keep humoring you. Instead, I’m going to spend my time discussing this topic with people who are worth talking to.

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