Lost Dungeon set

i did 2 complete server shutdowns and resets. it is back in my crafting hammer but many of my spell grenades are now in a “unusable” state, icons are blacked out and i can’t equip them or use them.


Thank you for the additional information. Please submit a ticket and our team over at the Help center will assist you further. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I think I may try to get a refund on it as well. It’s unbelievably annoying how it all works. I don’t like working with foundation much, and this is basically them shoehorning more foundations into my builds—especially after the nemedian foundation clusterf***. It makes the space 3 foundations high if I want the build to be a reasonable size. Who’s ever gonna wanna make their base like that, except people that like box bases?! :face_vomiting: plus, it adds two more spaces wide for the walls. Totally a rip off.


Dear Funcom,

Who thought it would be clever to describe the items as a dungeon (usually found below ground), show clear images of the items being inside a rock and with the added bonus of have each piece being full size?

Yeah refund please, it is a legal requirement to describe items for sale accurately. We should not have to watch some random persons video on youtube to find out what we are buying.

The absolute worst thing about this, I have bought four sets from the bazaar now and three of them have had missing items, the wrong items or just not accurately described.


In the dev stream VOD they showed a treasure chamber where the walls looked to be made of this ‘lost dungeon’ material, but there were also pillars that didnt look anything like what we have now (although mainly differently colored). So I assume there are more sets to come later. Maybe not in this chapter though.

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I put in my request for a refund. Hopefully they’ll acknowledge it. This is truly a waste of the coins. it feels as though whoever designed it had no idea how people actually build in this game. No one is gonna waste all that space for a single room.


dont worry,theres a reason it only cost about 800 crom coins,you will need to buy an extention to this set that will come out in the future.


The price or quality of the pack isn’t the issue, it’s the fact that it’s all cube pieces, something that’s not mentioned anywhere on the store.

If i’m buying a wall piece I expect a wall piece, not a foundation-sized block. Same for a ceiling.

Take a normal building set and a 5x5 area:
1st layer: Foundations.
2nd layer: Walls/Windows/Doorway. A 5x5 interior space remains.
3rd layer: Walls/Windows/Ceilings to close it up. A 5x5 interior space remains.
The interior of this building has 50 blocks of interior space.

Now take this set:
1st layer: Foundations.
2nd layer: Walls/Windows/Doorway. A 3x3 Interior space remains.
3rd layer: Walls/Windows/Ceiling to close it up. No interior space remains.
The interior of this building has 9 blocks of interior space.

The volume of space this set needs to create a building that isn’t just small corridors is absolutely massive in comparison.


So I guess the new set is just a cheap recolored copy of the additional sandstone set. This set is also missing the triangle floors. And it hasn´t been fixed although people like myself have reported it many month´s ago.


I almost bought it with what’s left of my money but i’m glad that i didn’t: A neighbor build a “little” building by mixing it with Stormglass.
This set make it bigger than it should and if the dungeon set does appeal to me, my current big base is already big enough without adding a set that is massive in size by itself.

By the way, we are told that on official, we are forbidden to build too big but with a set like this one…how are we supposed to do a good small dungeon alongside our base?

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Yeah, this set could be great, but the way it’s implemented as entirely cubed is pretty bad. feels like I kinda got bamboozled into buying it. It really should be a normal set with normal walls, floors, foundations, doors, windows.

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I am okay with the set, thus far but look forward to improvements such as arches.

I did a test build and, while not perfect, it was an okay implementation:


I am actually now on the fence. Mostly because this is a partial set, IMHO, and I think there will be more added and then bundled later.

What worries me is the lack of wedges. The new sandstone addition (rustic i think it’s called) doesn’t have wedges either. Sort of sucks for us that like circular builds.


Could be better if it weren’t cubes. It’s a giant block build on the outside. I can’t stand that. It really limits what you can do with it. Probably decent in the crevice, but not much else.

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Well, I’ve learned it now. I’ve bought very few things before this, because most of the stuff they sell in the Bazaar is ridiculously overpriced. I guess that’s why I was lucky and all my prior purchases worked out well.

This one, on the other hand, is a total clusterfuсk.

I don’t mind “ceilings” and “walls” being cubes so much. It’s inconvenient, but novel. Having no triangular pieces, however, is pretty inexcusable.

What makes this set horrible is that the “ceilings” don’t line up with actual ceilings from any other set!



I rarely buy cosmetic content, but when I do it is to support developers for their great work.
Needless to say, I haven’t bought any cosmetic DLCs or Bazaar items, due to the lack of said “great work.”

I bought the game, I bought Siptah because it is a big content DLC, but I will never buy things from the Bazaar as long as the best things the dev team does is to swap around some values to butcher “change” a stamina system instead of actually improving the design of their AI.

And now I see that even with their cosmetic items, they find a way to mess up?
I’ve seen the post on that Bazaar/Battle Pass Golem with the wrong Axe! :rofl: :skull:

Consistency and clarity are lacking, while absurdity and ambiguity are rampant :sweat_smile:

Edit: I also can’t understand why you can’t setup a 3D preview of the content you sell?
In many many games I’ve seen this, when you can check out the skin of a character for instance, rotate it all around to check the details, before buying it… Meanwhile in the Bazaar, you just have 2D renders/screenshots which at times are different from the content itself? Genuinely, WTF?


I am not only having problems with this set beeing designed as cubes. I also have a problem with this weird one tone grey color and the wall design itself.

My hometown (Germany) was first mentioned in official papers in 1133. Its located on a mountain. Not only do we have a lot of small cellars that got used as pantries in the past to keep foods cool. We also have several big wine cellars that also stored a lot of beer in the past. Our house also still has an old cellar, like almost every house in the whole town no matter if renovated or not. We also have several mineral grotto´s nearby where you can see stalagtites and stalagmites hanging from the wall and growing at the ground.

So I defenitely do know the difference between certain “dungeon/grotto/cellar” looks. And this set absolutely does not look good. I understand they wanted to go for the look of a dungeon instead of a regular boring old cellar. Fine by me. Also fine is that they wanted a darker look. But instead of choosing a natural dark stone color (that includes different kind of shades) to make it compatible with other sets like the nemedian or stormglass set, they simply choose this weird unnatural unisex grey color and spray it ontop of stones that look way to small to be used in a good looking dungeon design.

I can not help myself as to say this: its looks cheap and it looks very unnatural. Its not flexible, has way to less building pieces and therefore less building options.

Not a good work for a new set like this.

Looks cool but feels incomplete! Some interior walls and floor pieces, light well pieces without the grate on top, stairs and all the other stuff would be nice! Hope devs will consider converting this one into full building set!

Im 100% sure there will be more building pieces added to bazaar or battlepass after this. The devstream even showed some of them in my opinion.

Wait! It actually looks just like sandstone with different color, is it really just that aside from the sewer-like ceiling piece? That would be hillarious…

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